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Using CPU Virtualization Technologies (Pacifica, Vanderpool) against copy protections

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  • Using CPU Virtualization Technologies (Pacifica, Vanderpool) against copy protections

    An Idea for DT developers.
    Is Pacifica & Vanderpool a copy protections killer?
    Using CPU Virtualization Technologies against CD-DVD copy protections.

    New CPU Virtualization Technologies (AMD Pacifica & Intel VT aka Vanderpool) introduce new layer between [guest] operation system (-s) and hardware.

    Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM aka hypervisor) is a soft working at this layer.
    VMM (hypervisor) serves [guest] OS functionality.

    (!!!) Hypervisor can intercept ALL data transfers between [guest] OS and hardware (!!!) :

    * I/O access
    * MSRs reading/writing
    * CPUID execution

    For example, hypervisor can redirect intercepted IDE I/O ports activity and transfer it to device emulator.

    So it is possible to develop CD/DVD emulator for this purposes.
    It will work with hypervisor (VMM) in the same layer (root operation).

    Such emulator will present virtual CD/DVD-drive, which will seems like a real hardware drive for every (even ring0) copy protections worked in [guest] operation system(-s) (non-root operation).

    What do you think about all this ?

    Useful links:

    Intel® Virtualization Technology

    Interesting WhitePaper

    AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 2 -- System Programming [24593] (ch.15)

    Sorry for my poor English.
    I hope you will understand my idea.