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"DTSOFT Virtual CdRom Device was not installed successfully" Need help!

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  • "DTSOFT Virtual CdRom Device was not installed successfully" Need help!

    I'm not quite sure if this problem has been answered on here or not but today I went to go and mount an ISO file and I got this message in my system tray I tried re installing but I got the exact same error again. Until today Daemon Tools has been working without any problems, I've also noticed this in my device manager as well I'm using Windows 7 64 Bit and Daemon Tools Pro version 5.2.0 I've also emailed my setupapi to for more info

    I'm also not all that used to fooling around with the regedit or fooling around with folders in my system32 folder so if you could tell me how to fix this step by step I will forever be in your debt because this error is really starting to make me PO'ed here Thanks!

  • #2
    Never mind, ended up figuring out that I needed to delete upper and lower filters in a file in the registry You can delete this thread if you want!


    • #3
      can you please explain how did you solve the problem, i'm facing the same issue


      • #4
        If you don't mind me asking, could you link to or detail how you went about deleting these filters? Others, like me, could likely benefit from the information.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by boumabcd View Post
          can you please explain how did you solve the problem, i'm facing the same issue
          Originally Posted by Krinen View Post
          If you don't mind me asking, could you link to or detail how you went about deleting these filters? Others, like me, could likely benefit from the information.
          First, uninstall DAEMON Tools software.
          Then try the following solution:
          1. Press Win+R buttons on your keyboard to open "Run..." dialog.
          2. Type "regedit", and then click OK.
          If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.

          3. In the navigation pane, locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
          4. In the right pane, click UpperFilters.
          Note: You may also see an UpperFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only. If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry. To do this, go to step 7.

          5. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
          6. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
          7. In the right pane, click LowerFilters.
          Note: If you do not see the LowerFilters registry entry, unfortunately this content cannot help you any further. Go to the "Next Steps" section for information about how you can find more solutions or more help on the Microsoft Web site.

          8. On the Edit menu, click Delete.
          9. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
          10. Exit Registry Editor.
          11. Restart the computer.
          12. Install DAEMON Tools again.


          • #6
            This quickly and efficiently solved my problem.
            Wonderful job, thank you.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Sway View Post
              First, uninstall DAEMON Tools software.
              I'm trying this solution but I can't uninstall DTL. Everytime I try it an error screen appears and Windows 8.1 resets the PC. Any idea?



              • #8
                In this case please perform a manual uninstallation: Removing DAEMON Tools Lite manually |
                I'm not employed by Disc Soft and my views do not necessarily reflect the ones of the company.

