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    I'm asking Daemon or whoever went there, to tell me what happened to it. It was like the best place ever. Please tell me where it went.

  • #2
    Take a deeph breath and ask again
    I am your father


    • #3
      Me too want to know where the heck has it gone??? no notice, no email nothing, just went away...?

      anybody know somehting, pklease tell.


      • #4
        yeah i'd like to know that too,what did happen to ?


        • #5
          Originally Posted by darkquest
          yeah i'd like to know that too,what did happen to ?

          i've about a dirty guy who inform the authorities about theforums's activities ! dirty bastard ! his email is : <> i've send him lot of insults !

          Edit: Email removed to prevent spam
          Last edited by Underheaven; 30.01.2006, 06:42.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by dragonball
            Me too want to know where the heck has it gone??? no notice, no email nothing, just went away...?

            anybody know somehting, pklease tell.

            hum Daemon has received some warnings from some members but has ignore them ! his arrogance has caused his fall ! this bastard is down and now he's afraid of any e-mail ! if this is his new forum , i will close it too ! and don't smile so soon because nobody had believe me when i've announced i will close ! see the result : a lot of lost babies all over the world , due to a fascist admin ! Daemon is an asshole and i don't want to see him again on the net !


            • #7
              Hello bombaysegma,

              to spare you the effort, let me assure you that any "Daemon" that was on has never been seen around here by anyone, no need to take any steps to shut us down.

              I'd venture to say that the name is just a coincidence... Just as any daemon (as in linux background service) probably has nothing to do with that guy. Don't worry, there are no assholes here
              "I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."


              • #8
                hum... just a lil question, what was
                Carpe diem


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by bombaysegma

                  hum Daemon has received some warnings from some members but has ignore them ! his arrogance has caused his fall ! this bastard is down and now he's afraid of any e-mail ! if this is his new forum , i will close it too ! and don't smile so soon because nobody had believe me when i've announced i will close ! see the result : a lot of lost babies all over the world , due to a fascist admin ! Daemon is an asshole and i don't want to see him again on the net !
                  Well.. He wasn't an asshole... you didn't follow the rules... and then you got mad... because he didn't wanna see you on . . too bad that your'e so selfish...

                  Edit by NetSoerfer: Don't use any discriminating language here. Ever. I deleted that part of your message.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by NetSoerfer
                    Don't worry, there are no assholes here
                    In every forum you will find some "strange" people, that is
                    "usual business"

                    We are a company and have therefore the financial possibilities
                    to make live harder for individuals that come at our board and try to harm us.

                    You only should use a forum account to ask questions about
                    Daemon Tools and nothing else. Point. Everything else we
                    consider as a direct attack to our infrastructure and force us
                    to take legal actions against the IP/Owner. I hope I made
                    myself clear now.


                    • #11
                      Something funny about, the owner Daemon, was informed by me the forums will be hacked and shutdown. I get banned for telling him that and he calls me a noob, 1 hour later his site is gone.

                      I warned him it would happen, but he wouldn't listen to me. Oh well, I really liked that site besides Daemon.


                      • #12
                        fine, but I still don't know what the heck "" was?

                        Would somebody tell me WHAT that forum was about?


                        • #13
                          I do agree with you Locutus. Nobody answered...

                          Originally Posted by Kinlaadare
                          hum... just a lil question, what was
                          Carpe diem


                          • #14
                            at a guess (~and with a little bit of googling)... it appears to be a warez site, or a site providing links to torrents / warez etc..

                            i may be wrong though...
                            my views are 100% personal views..

