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Cannot Burn DVD/CD Since Installing Daemon Tools

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  • Cannot Burn DVD/CD Since Installing Daemon Tools

    Hi there i'm fairly new to useing daemon tools and alcohol 120 and I have them both isntalled problem is now that nero says scsi target error and locks up when burning a dvd or cd.

    I have roxio has well and it just locks up says invalid target.

    As I said I am new to this and sarched forums and googled it still cannot find a answer on how to fix this I even uninstalled daemon and alcholo 120 and cleaned registry still does this.

    Did I screw up my dvd burner now because of these programs or can someone help me?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Try uninstalling your roxio software

    Try uninstalling your roxio software, reboot, then try and see if Nero starts working again. I'd also check the filter drivers installed on your CD/DVD-ROM's in device manager.
    the modern world:
    net helpmsg 4006


    • #3
      same problem here.. and nothing works awww :/


      • #4
        Well I had nero installed by iteself and it didnt work, my drivers are generic drivers and Benq all they offer is firmware for my drive no actual driver.

        So windows is using a generic one I assume for the drives

        I then added roxio since i heard nero was not so good and thought maybe it would work but it does not. I know the solution is prolly to wipe drive and never install daemon one seems to be able to give a workaround for burning so far


        • #5
          Common Problems and Solutions

          Please list all the drivers for your CD-ROM as listed in device manager. See the thread entitled "No drive letter(s) assigned to the virtual drive(s), or virtual drive(s) disappear" in the Common Problems and Solutions forum for details on how to determine names of the drivers in use.

          You're welcome to wipe your drive but I'd wait at least 24 hours to get a reply whenever you post any message. I don't know how often you use forums on the web, but you can't say no one has a solution until you've given enough time to reply.
          Last edited by Underheaven; 23.11.2005, 23:32.
          the modern world:
          net helpmsg 4006


          • #6
            Did you switch OFF all emulations in DT before trying to burn?

            I had something similar once (could not burn, or had errors while burning), because some of those emulations (Safedisc in particular, if I remember correctly) hide CD-R and CD-RW to system, and it may cause problem to burning softwares.
            Last edited by GulBroz; 26.11.2005, 10:05.


            • #7
              Samething happened to me. UNinstalled Daemon tools and still can't burn a dvd, Nero no longer sees my 2 burners, but they are in the device manager. Problem started after i restarted after installing daemon tools x64. Any ideas on this?


              • #8
                I got this fixed this morning by uninstalling Nero 6.6 and installing the newest version Nero 7, which by the way is very nice and now everything works.

