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like daemon script :D

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  • like daemon script :D

    Here's a little batch file a made because i was bored mainly, and impatentient. I Couldnt wait 10 seconds for a image to mount!

    This will mount an image, run the game, and when u finish the game, unmount it

    cant post attachments so
    make a file with a .bat extension and copy all this in there

    TITLE %3 loader
    IF [%1]==[] GOTO syntax
    IF [%2]==[] GOTO syntax
    IF [%3]==[] GOTO syntax
    IF [%4]==[] GOTO fix
    SET Daemon=%4
    GOTO start
    SET Daemon="C:\Program Files\Daemon Tools\Daemon.exe"
    ECHO Mounting %1 at mount 0...(using %Daemon%)
    %Daemon% -mount 0,%1
    ECHO done...
    ECHO starting %3...
    CD /D %2
    START /WAIT %3
    ECHO done...
    ECHO Unmounting %1
    %Daemon% -unmount 0 
    ECHO Done...
    GOTO :end
    ECHO Mounts games using daemon tools and then runs them.
    ECHO Also unmounts the image once the game stops.
    ECHO Usage: Automount [image] [game path] [game.exe] [Daemon tools]
    ECHO [image]        = full path to image (iso,etc)
    ECHO [game path]    = path to folder containing game.exe
    ECHO [game.exe]     = file to run game
    ECHO [Daemon tools] = full path to daemon tools exe
    ECHO (if not under "C:\Program Files\Daemon Tools\Daemon.exe")
    ECHO Note: autorun should be disabled to make the process more smooth, google tweakui to do this. 
    ECHO Also if you see this screen, u need to enter the parameters!
    ECHO Written by bojo
    PAUSE >nul
    GOTO end
    the file is pretti self explanitory, but for completness sake.

    make a shortcut to the .bat file
    go into the properties
    the line should look something like

    "C:\Automount.bat" "C:\Game.iso" "C:\Program Files\Games" Game.exe

    the daemon tools line is optional, and is only needed if you installed daemon tools anywhere other than "C:\Program Files\Daemon tools\"

    i have one that does something similiar to sd4hide in the file aswell. if anyone wants it just send some emails. like sd4hide, this one has more chances of stuffing up, and isnt needed for most games so the basic file goes on.

    Tell me what u all think. This was my first attempt at making a batch file, so sorry if it looks a bit shabby

    EDIT: Just had to add (tip)

    ECHO Unmounting %1
    %Daemon% -unmount 0
    ECHO Done...
    GOTO :end

    delete the PAUSE, and the batch file will run automatically, u might not even notice it!
    Last edited by bojo; 21.01.2006, 18:43.

  • #2
    How to make a batch file????


    • #3
      Make a new Text file and change the file ending from .txt to .bat, you've to enable showing the file endings/extensions before by pressing on extras in the Windows Explorer then choose the folder options. (the described steps can be called a bit different, because i'm german)
      Heaven Can Wait -- My Band-Page


      • #4
        make a new text file, copy the text in, and go

        FILE--> Save as

        change the save file type from .txt to all files.
        then write in the name for ur file


        hope that helps

        Also you would probably want to disable autorun on the virtual drive (some people dont have it disabled).

        Download TweakUI, from microsoft.

        Goto the Mycomputer part, Autoplay, Drives.

        Uncheck the drive used at mount 0 in daemon tools.

        If people request it, i could probably write it into the batch file, along with something similiar to sd4start, but if no one needs it, i wont bother lol


        • #5
          Thanks a lot


          • #6
            no problems,

            i cant seem to make it turn off autoplay automatically. the registry values for that require you to log on again.

            hopefully i will figure something out.

            if people want i can make a neat and tidy version, that hides cdrom drives, like sd4hide does. ive got a shabby one made for my brother so i know it works.

            so far ive found this useful if you dont mind a command prompt window on your screen for a short time. If you think they are hideous go get daemon script


            • #7
              hey can someone help me here,

              i cant find a way to disable autoplay thats live.

              all values i have found only work after logoff/logon. kinda annoying.

              help would be appreciated thanks

