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Help O.o

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  • Help O.o

    Alright this is gonna come off sounding very very lame but i'm a n00b with this kind of thing and i really need some help >.<

    I brought Tomb Raider and cos we have two computers i wanna be able to play it without the disk so i downloaded the image thing so i could do it with Daemon tools..

    these were the instructions that came with it..

    * Install the game - Full Installation.
    * Mount the TombRaiderLegend.mds DVD-Image in Daemon Tools v4.
    * Set Windows 2000 compatibility mode the Tomb Raider Legend link on the Desktop (Right click on the icon, properties, compatibility)
    * Use AlkiSecuROM.exe to avoid Blacklisting of DT4 - load the pached trl.exe
    * Play the Game!

    Riiiight so i've done everything correctly up till it tells me to "Use AlkiSecuROM.exe to avoid Blacklisting of DT4 - load the pached trl.exe"

    Umm as lame as this is and as embaressed as i am to ask it...

    what the heck does it mean?!

    What am i supposed to do?!

    Pleasssse help me >.<