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Securom problem :P

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  • Securom problem :P

    So i downloaded game "Devil May Cry3" for PC not ps2... this is just new release from emudvd_unleashed :P I installed it and then problems starting ! When i want to launch it showed me "Emule detected blablabla" ! Then i used asr.exe (antisecurom) and ive got message like "Original disc cant be found or authorized" ! I tried many ways... with alcohol and with daemon and then i looked in forums ! I found way to get game makin and then running .bat file containing
    "C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\subinacl.exe" /keyreg "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Devicemap\SCSI\S CSI Port 2" /deny=administrators=r
    "C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\subinacl.exe" /keyreg "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices" /deny=administrators=r

    path i made for me as i got them... you can have another paths.. and then i got error again... "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Devicemap\SCSI\S CSI Port 2" location cannot be accesed ! I looked what the problem and it seems i have no SCSI "folder" in Devicemap ! So.. What should i do ?:P This is first game i have problems with and now i realize that i havent somethin that i need very much :P After usin that bat file, everytime launching game file i got message "A required security model can not be activated. This program can not be executed"

    Thanks for understanding ! I hope somebody will help!

    pS. I waited for this game downloadin for 9h and now i even cant launch it =[