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negative claim

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  • negative claim

    My question, where is the option for "2) install it without adware"? I opted out and it still installed 3 adware programs, one of which is unremovable by normal means. Surf Side Kick has corrupted my OS. Because the people at DT are too retarded to know that adware is worse than viruses, and LIE about the effects, I get to reformat my hard drive. To be specific, the program runs invisible in windows, meaning you can't shut it down in the task manager (even in safe mode), so you can't uninstall it, ever. Even trying to disable it from starting in msconfig does nothing. The best part is, it keeps installing other adware programs just to spice things up. Technically that kind of activity would catagorize SSK as a virus and not just spyware/adware. I never did get a chance to use Daemon Tools yet and if it means reinstalling windows everytime I try to install it, I guess I never will. If you want to make money off a program, charge money for it. Don't virus their computers. You really need to reword your website to say something like, "Trying to install this will add viruses and adware to your computer." Otherwise you could be held legally liable for corrupting people's systems. I wouldn't, because I'm good that way, but I'm sure there are other people out there who aren't as kind. Oh, and I only call the program a viruse bcause it deleted regedit and cmd to ensure the only way I can remove the program is with a reinstall.