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Play POPT2T without unplug optical IDE drive

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  • Play POPT2T without unplug optical IDE drive

    After long time i'm able to play POP3 with my IDE CD-DVD Rom all connected. This is the way:

    First of all install the game from DVD, CD or Image (mounted on Daemon Tools 4) and after it's done unmount the image.

    1)Make a directory Temp in C: and copy the 2 files .mdf and .mds inside it from the image of the 3° CD + the 3 files sfcdvd.exe, sfmdf.exe, mdfscan.exe.
    U only need sfcdvd.exe and sfmdf.exe you can find in SFcopy V.3.0
    2)Make a text document called (ex.) POPT2T_PLAY (right click - new - text document)
    3) Open the file just created and write inside it :

    224256 19
    103936 22

    save and rename the file "POPT2T_PLAY.CFG"
    it's important that the extension of the file is .cfg (no .txt)
    4) Mount in deamon tools 4, the image (3° CD)
    5) Now, open DOS prompt and write: cd\ and cd temp. After you are in c:>Temp write


    X: is the virtual drive (insert your virtual drive, POPT2T_PLAY.CFG is the name of the configuration file)

    Wait until:

    Starforce CD/DVD analyzer v1.8 by AlB
    Config label: POPT2T_PLAY
    Config key: BZ7A9-X488N-725MY-E9FND-TLPDZ
    Reading Starforce CD DPM from device '//./I:' at current speed in 3 tries
    Phase1: Estimated RPM 1844.287 = 32.533 ms
    Phase2: RPM 1845.130 = 32.518 ms (deviation 0.012 ms)
    Phase2: SPR 18.983 = 19-0.09%
    Phase4: RPM 1846.414 = 32.495 ms (deviation 0.017 ms)
    Phase4: SPR 22.019 = 22+0.09%
    Phase3: RPM changed by +0.07%
    Phase3: Step 1: Angle 61 degree (SPR 19.5 = 18.4 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 2: Angle 312 degree (SPR 20.0 = 18.0 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 3: Angle 187 degree (SPR 20.6 = 17.5 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 4: Angle 271 degree (SPR 21.1 = 17.1 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 5: Angle 152 degree (SPR 21.5 = 16.7 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 6: Angle 135 degree (SPR 22.0 = 16.3 deg/sector)

    Config Label is the name of the CD

    Config Key is the password.

    We need the numbers of Phase3: Step (from 1 to 6): they are angular entries. They concern original CD and the way it'll be read from Starforce (or the image,its the same).
    6) Write down numbers that appears after Angle in the configuration file(POPT2T_PLAY.CFG inside c: temp),
    ex.: 61 312 187 271 152 135

    224256 19
    103936 22
    61 312 187 271 152 135

    7) Now BURN the image of the 3° CD on a Rewritable CD
    (or normal CD , but you'll lose it). Open Alcohol, select no profile and check only first option BUFFER UNDERRAN . Select RAW/DAO write method.
    (choose burning speed as you want, for ex. 52X)

    8) After the copy is finished, open DOS prompt and open again the DIR Temp where we have the CFG file and the 3 exe (sfcdvd, mdfscan e sfmdf) (or only sfcdvd, mdfscan) and write:


    X: is the your burning drive (CD-RW), you must use yours (where you have your CD just burned).

    After, you ll see;

    Starforce CD/DVD analyzer v1.8 by AlB
    Config label: POPT2T_PLAY
    Config key: BZ7A9-X488N-725MY-E9FND-TLPDZ
    Reading Starforce CD DPM from device '//./X:' at current speed in 3 tries
    Phase1: Estimated RPM 2083.857 = 28.793 ms
    Phase2: RPM 8330.211 = 7.203 ms (deviation 0.010 ms)
    Phase2: SPR 18.917 = 19-0.44%
    Phase4: RPM 8326.419 = 7.206 ms (deviation 0.007 ms)
    Phase4: SPR 21.889 = 22-0.51%
    Phase3: RPM changed by -0.05%
    Phase3: Step 1: Angle 21 degree = 61-40 (SPR 19.4 = 18.5 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 2: Angle 218 degree = 312-94 (SPR 20.0 = 18.0 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 3: Angle 51 degree = 187-136 (SPR 20.5 = 17.6 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 4: Angle 97 degree = 271-174 (SPR 20.9 = 17.2 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 5: Angle 302 degree = 152+150 (SPR 21.4 = 16.8 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Step 6: Angle 282 degree = 135+147 (SPR 21.9 = 16.4 deg/sector)
    Phase3: Sector shift recommended: 22 26 29 33 36 38

    If nothing happens the name of the file could be POP2T_PLAY.CFG. So, youll have to write:


    9) The last line show a very important information: "Sector Shift...."

    These entries are angular values of your burned copy compared with the original.
    If they are 0 0 0 0 0 0 you have an original copy compared with the original CD. (this is not your CD).
    Now we have to add these entries of Sector Shift in the CFG file.
    Before doing this operation please check it 5 times or more (SFCDVD.EXE //./X: POPT2T_PLAY.CFG), (Or SFCDVD.EXE //./X: POP2T_PLAY.CFG)
    cause the entries of "Sector Shift" can change little.
    After 5 (or 10 times, better), write down "Sector Shift"s that appear most of the times, the 6 numbers (ex: 22 26 29 33 36 38) that seem to be the right entries.
    Make it 10 times at least.
    Write these numbers inside POPT2T_PLAY.CFG:

    224256 19
    103936 22
    61 312 187 271 152 135
    22 26 29 33 36 38

    First 4 lines are common values of every copy of the game, last 2 change because of the hardaware you have, so you have to make your own CFG file.

    10) Now we have to patch original image file with these new entries to obtain a working copy.
    Open Dos Prompt and, in C:TEMP, write:


    "POPT2T_PLAY.CFG is the cfg that you have done, mir-popt2tc.mdf is the name of original .MDF and PATCHED is the name of the image file that yhe program will create patching the original.

    If nothing happens change mir-popt2tc with POP2T_PLAY.CFG

    And now you see:

    Starforce MDF booster v0.5 by AlB
    Read image file 'mir-popt2tc.mds'
    Sector size: changed from 2352 to 2448 bytes
    Sub-channels: changed from absent to present
    Write image file 'PATCHED.mds'
    Copy image file 'mir-popt2tc.mdf' to image file 'PATCHED.mdf'
    Sub-channels: generating with -1 sector shift and 1 value shift
    Starforce sector shift: 22 26 29 33 36 38
    Processing: 100% complete

    11) Now, rewrite the CD-RW (or use another CD-R, similar to the first one).
    I used TDK. And burn a new image (PATCHED.MDF) using the same CD-RW drive.
    In Alcohol, select only the first option (Buffer Underran) and RAW/DAO as write method (speed as you want).
    It ll appear a message saing TOC is changed, select first option (reccomanded) and burn the CD.

    12) Whwn its finished edit il .cfg file inside the directory c:Temp (ex: POPT2T_PLAY.CFG)
    and delete last line, ex.:

    224256 19
    103936 22
    61 312 187 271 152 135

    13) Copy the 3 files amir.exe, amir.dll, POP3.EXE of the 3°cd,
    inside the directory where the game in installed (usually C:\Programmi\Ubisoft\Prince of Persia T2T). Rewrite the original files.

    14) In Dos Prompt (C:\TEMP) write:


    X: is your burning drive, you have to vrite your drive.

    If nothing happens write SFCDVD.EXE //./X: POP2T_PLAY.CFG

    if the last line has all 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Sector Shift) you have a perfect copy, but with entries higher than 0 you are right, dont warry
    For me after 10 checks only 2 times they were 0, and only some numbers.

    Check it 3 or 4 times so the CD will stabilize itself.

    15) Now be sure that there are not image files mounted on virtual drive and insert the cd in the cdrom (o dvdrom) drive (not the burning drive, or the game will not start), insert serial number and restart the game if is necessary. Launch the game with the cd inside in the dvd/cd drive.
    If its everything OK, StarForce will check the CD for 2 seconds (or 10 to 20 seconds for me) and you can play.