Operating System: Windows XP Home version, SP2
Burning Software: none current; new computer
Anti-virus Software: McAfee Security Security Center (Virus Scan Ver. 9.0)
DAEMON Tools Version: 3.47
Dowloaded Version 3.47 of DT. Installation appeared to proceed w/o problem. Upon re-start, obtained BSOD, with following message:
At bottom of BSOD was following information:
*** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x0000000B, 0x00000006, 0x00000000,
*** SCSIPORT.SYS - Address BA6BC01A Base at BA6B7000,
Datestamp 41107b4b
Upon restart to last known good configuration, was informed that the virtual SCSI driver was missing.
Tried to find problem listed on forum, but only found solution related to Starforce drivers. Downloaded removal utility for Starforce drivers, but it found none.
Looked for Windows dump mentioned frequently, but could not find, not even at WINDOWS/Minidump folder (no folder by that name).
Any suggestions?
Burning Software: none current; new computer
Anti-virus Software: McAfee Security Security Center (Virus Scan Ver. 9.0)
DAEMON Tools Version: 3.47
Dowloaded Version 3.47 of DT. Installation appeared to proceed w/o problem. Upon re-start, obtained BSOD, with following message:
At bottom of BSOD was following information:
*** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x0000000B, 0x00000006, 0x00000000,
*** SCSIPORT.SYS - Address BA6BC01A Base at BA6B7000,
Datestamp 41107b4b
Upon restart to last known good configuration, was informed that the virtual SCSI driver was missing.
Tried to find problem listed on forum, but only found solution related to Starforce drivers. Downloaded removal utility for Starforce drivers, but it found none.
Looked for Windows dump mentioned frequently, but could not find, not even at WINDOWS/Minidump folder (no folder by that name).
Any suggestions?