I think, this would be a nice little Feature. Should remember the last 5 or so used Images. Simular to the recently used Documents in Windows or Office. Could be placed somewhere in the Submenu where you can mount or unmount Images.
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List of recently used Images
This feature is already there. Click on the arrow in the filename drop down.Last edited by JoelEllison; 08.12.2005, 12:16.
Wow... never seen that, too...
Nice feature as it is, but never seen that before, too...
Anyhow, I'd like it better the way n00bslayer said, not only because it is more comfortable, but this way it would be recognised directly by users; I still can't believe I never found that one all those years I use daemon toolsQuidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
I was better off without this list
There are a lot of images on my computer which I do not want others to be aware of. But this last used images list causes problems in this aspect. There should be a way to either delete individual entries or at least keep this feature off.I find that editing the ImageCatalog.xml in the User's Appdata\Roaming\DAEMON Tools Lite folder does this but it pain to do it on a regular basis.