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Hi what is the speciality of the new MDX format ?

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  • Hi what is the speciality of the new MDX format ?

    Hi I just bought Daemon Tools Pro ADV and this is my first post here. I would like to know what is the advantage of the new MDX ( Media Data eXtended ) format and when do we use it ?

    Oh and an unrelated question if you guys please don't mind. Is there any way I can change my user name ?

    Last edited by Partha; 02.04.2010, 02:43.

  • #2
    Originally Posted by partha.nandi1 View Post
    Hi I just bought Daemon Tools Pro ADV and this is my first post here. I would like to know what is the advantage of the new MDX ( Media Data eXtended ) format and when do we use it ?
    MDX is very similar to MDS/MDF format and supports almost all of MDS/MDF format features except that all data is in one monolithic file only. MDX format was created because it is much more comfortable to have one file instead of 2 files.
    Originally Posted by partha.nandi1 View Post
    Oh and an unrelated question if you guys please don't mind. Is there any way I can change my user name ?
    Send me preferred username by PM or email.


    • #3
      Hi Sway, thanks for the reply. Can I please request you to elaborate a bit more on "almost all of MDS/MDF format" ? Why did you use the term "almost" and not all if I may ask ?

      Oh and I have also sent you a PM requesting change of username.


      • #4
        As MDX file contains major information about image data structure, it cannot be split to several parts.
        But you are able to use this option for MDS/MDF image. Splitting is applied only to MDF file.


        • #5
          iso's or MDX's compressing

          Is there a way to high compressed iso/MDX files? I saw some OS compressed in only 10MB and then came into 2.3GB! Thanks.


          • #6
            Those are fakes filled up with zeroes of data.
            Make something idiot proof, but then they just make a better idiot
            Peace Through Power

