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Starforce 3.5 and Windows XP x64

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  • #16
    Update drivers - no run on Win64! Old version 3.3, that use other drivers and other numerical key (24) will not upgrade anymore!
    Read this:

    Starforce support team write:
    > > No, the patches are required for all of the games since it is related to
    > > the code changing, not only to the drivers.
    > >
    > > Best regards.
    > > ------------------------------------
    > > Lev Boiarsky
    > > Customer Support Group
    > > StarForce Technologies
    > > -----------------------------------
    And read this:

    No any comment!
    Before write something, check, how it work!


    • #17
      Originally Posted by masteryoda34
      Originally Posted by Dochilt
      Solution, install a game using 3.5 or use the tool StarForce Updater
      If you know of a game that uses StarForce 3.5 please point it out. I don't believe there are any right now. Also, updating is not possible because in order to update you need an existing version installed. However, from what I understand, the existing versions of StarForce cannot be installed on Win 64.

      And if there is a game that uses StarForce 3.5 then why should someone have to buy it if all they need from it are the drivers for a different game.
      The buildsignature on the SF file associated with Pro Cycling Manager 2005/2006 (= Radsportmanager Pro) is :, 15.06.05

      That would make it version 3.5, build about a month ago.

      I hope this helps.


      • #18
        3.05 != 3.5 (3.50)!
        Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
        They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


        • #19
          Worms 4 mayhem uses StarForce

          Worms 4 mayhem uses StarForce, if that can help u.

          Regards, KeDase

