Hi every one I'm new here
and to this kinda problems
my problem is that i used Alcohol.120% v1.4.1 at the first time
and it work fine in the virtual drive so I assumed that it would work after burn, when I burn it, it did not work
my question is
any one knows where is the problem
even if not then IT'S OK
now i'm using ALCOHOL 120 1.9.7.Build 6221
my question is : IS THIS VERSION WILL WORK ?
Any one can answer me please.
just for info :
the CD that I want to copy is "CONNECTLIGHT" V1.1
and the copy protection is SafeDisc V2.9
About my cd-drive it's LG and IT'S CD/DVD Recorder
Alcohol give me info :
Vendor Indentification : HL-DT-ST
Product Indentification : DVDRAM GSA-H10N
So I don't want to start burning CDs Every Where Without using them
any help I
and to this kinda problems
my problem is that i used Alcohol.120% v1.4.1 at the first time
and it work fine in the virtual drive so I assumed that it would work after burn, when I burn it, it did not work
my question is
any one knows where is the problem
even if not then IT'S OK
now i'm using ALCOHOL 120 1.9.7.Build 6221
my question is : IS THIS VERSION WILL WORK ?
Any one can answer me please.
just for info :
the CD that I want to copy is "CONNECTLIGHT" V1.1
and the copy protection is SafeDisc V2.9
About my cd-drive it's LG and IT'S CD/DVD Recorder
Alcohol give me info :
Vendor Indentification : HL-DT-ST
Product Indentification : DVDRAM GSA-H10N
So I don't want to start burning CDs Every Where Without using them
any help I