Is there any way to find out what kind of copy protection a cd has??
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how to find out what kind of copy protection a cd has
No, there is no (not to my knowledge) prog to check what a cd is protected by. There are tools to tell version of protection, such as safedisc analyzer.
Read the manual, under copy protections. Most new games are protected by securom new/4.x. What game would you like to find out about?
NFS2:HP2 is protected with SafeDisc 2.8x.
I don't know the exact version number because I don't own the game, so if you don't mind I'd ask you to go to this thread and contribute by posting the exact version number...
Thanks a lot!
Sergei"I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."
Well, I donґt know exactly, but I donґt think the Pioneer can write the so-called weak sectors correctly ... so try to write on cd-rw first without the option (if it fails we know for sure it canґt write those sectors);
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then try to enable EFM correction and try again on cd-rw ...Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!
I don't use scanners, but from what I've heared ClonyXXL is the most advanced of the above mentioned programs and detects many protections, but don't know for sure if Clony is reporting the exact Version number, or can detect newest protections.
I have contact for a long time ago with the author of ClonyXXL, maybe I ask him
The newest ClonyXXL ( gives exact number of protection for securom.
For safedisc, it gives a partial number 2.6, 2.7... but I guess the info is not so accurate. Better use a tool like Safedisc/Securom Version Detector which gives exact number for boths protections.
Here's a nice link to a list of games with the protection they use:
Also some info about progs to check out a disc's protection.
But can anyone help me create an image of disc one of Amerzone on my HD? Whatever I try it still won't work unless I put the original CD in the drive. I'd really like to play it without the disc 'cos my cd drive is so noisy :? :lol:
The list you mentioned is old and outdated in most cases and no exact Versionnumbers are mentioned (for the protection) so in fact this list isn't very usefull (except for older games like f.e. Amerzon);
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the tools & utillities are outdated, too, we have a much better list here, just follow this link:
Please check out what exact protection was used on Amerzon, if it's only readerrors you should try Alcohol120% or CloneCD and create an Image (use fast errorskip);
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it's possible that this can take several hours as some Readerrors can't be skipped very fast.