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DT4 StarForce emulation clarifications/tech

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  • DT4 StarForce emulation clarifications/tech

    Hey guys. I have seen lots of speculation and comments from visitors/customers regarding DT4's StarForce compatibility, but not a lot of details concerning how robust this compatibility will be directly from the DT team. If there's already a thread covering this stuff, please direct me to it... it's possible I am just inept at searching.

    Anyway, my question: How exactly does DT4 solve the StarForce problem from a high/mid level technical perspective? Is it related to the ability for DT4 to act as a "real" IDE device so images are scanned properly by SF? What are the chances SF can implement some patch to break DT4?

    If it really works, that'd be fantastic... the only drawback being that you still have to leave that godawful SF driver on your system.

    (begin OT rant, end question)
    One of my current favorite games, Soldiers: Heroes of WWII, is the only one I own which uses this bullshit protection. Before I bought it, I hadn't experienced "The StarForce Difference" (note to Codemasters: hey dummies, you can still play on a LAN with one set of CDs, as you can take the things out after entering the menu). Even when SF is emulated properly, I am really resolved to just not buy any more SF-enabled games on principal... having an invasive driver which goes so far as to tell me what programs I am "not allowed" to install on my own computer is crossing several lines. Soliders is probably the first/last time I'll ever pay money to a publisher who inconveniences me and assumes I am a pirate. If you are seriously opposed to StarForce, vote with your wallet, as they say.
    (end OT rant)

    Thanks for the hard work, guys. DT is awesome.

  • #2
    Re: DT4 StarForce emulation clarifications/tech

    Originally Posted by ironcladlou
    but not a lot of details concerning how robust this compatibility will be directly from the DT team
    It's intentionally kept vague. Or else it would be blacklisted and worthless to you and everyone else on day 2 of its release.

    Just because I love to quote people , here's one from LocutusofBorg :
    Originally Posted by LocutusofBorg
    In a thread LocutusofBorg said

    "(although we prefer to not unreveal too much)
    give you a quick look ... You surely understand that we give NO
    further technical details about it, it's confidential and we even thought to
    maybe NOT reveal the pure existence, but then we decided to at least
    let you all know about it"
    Ok, I know this says nothing to answer your question. So let the speculation on DAEMON Tools future anti-StarForce methods continue!
    the modern world:
    net helpmsg 4006


    • #3

      Some more quotes for everyone.

      "What are the chances SF can implement some patch to break DT4? "

      regarding blacklisting
      the modern world:
      net helpmsg 4006


      • #4
        Got it

        I fully understand, and don't intend to look this gift horse in the mouth. Thank you for the reply and the links.

        Can't wait!

