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X3: Reunion, any get it working?

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  • X3: Reunion, any get it working?

    has anyone got X3: Reunion to work now that DT4 has been released? man, have i been dying to play this! without opening my pc and disconnecting cables, lol.

  • #2
    Yea Id like to know how to use dt4 to get x3 working.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by sparx
      has anyone got X3: Reunion to work now that DT4 has been released? man, have i been dying to play this! without opening my pc and disconnecting cables, lol.
      Yes, it is possible to play it without disconnecting your cables. You have to use SFN and disable channel 2.
      CureROM Support Team


      • #4
        Originally Posted by FnF
        Yes, it is possible to play it without disconnecting your cables. You have to use SFN and disable channel 2.
        WRONG! X3 wont work, even with SFN (crap tool)


        • #5
          Check here



          • #6
            Originally Posted by tha_specializt
            WRONG! X3 wont work, even with SFN (crap tool)
            It works, if you unplug your CD/DVD drives. I just finished playing it the past 4 hours.
            No, you cannot have my signature, unless you pay me. I am famous you know.


            • #7
              it seems to depend heavinly on the machine if it works with sfn or not. on my machine, it doesnt.

              oh, and first post, so hi


              • #8

                ok, i like so many people, WAS having problems getting x3 to work. not only does it work now, but it works in 3 steps! 1) start SFNightmare 2) click disable ATA 3) start X3! lmfao, thats it!

                i REALLY hope this helps people. different options for different people, that seems to be the deal with the malicious malware which is starforce.

                this is exactly how it went: i've tried to start this game soooo many times and everytime it goto the disk verification, as the bar zipped through i would say "ya, ya, ya" outloud, lol. then it would just tell me to try another drive. this time when it was checking the disk, i was in the process of doing my routine but this time, it went "ya, ya, huh, thats a lil wierd" as the bar stopped for a second, half-way through the disk verification. as it went to the next screen, my jaw dropped wide open and i just starred at the screen for like 2 straight minutes. i clicked start to see if it would gto the next screen then i quickly exited the game to make sure i could recreate everything so i was sure i would be able to play. i did everything and it started, i exited, reset my pc and tried it again. as i realized i really got it to work, i picked my jaw up off my lap then quickly came here to tell ya'll how.

                THANK YOU Dark Arbitor for the link, Karnizero for telling the community how your friend got x3 to work and the Daemon team! i have something to go do now, later.


                • #9
                  If it would be that easy I'd be playing too without the original DVD since a couple of days. I tried everything: 1) started sfcure01 then 2) SFN with disabled node and CDs and secondary slave and master off and 3) still it does not go past the verification. I tried with installing the game from the simulated drive with the built in ones switched off with sfcure01 and SFN, I installed the game without any of these programs running. It does NOT work. The only option left is to physically disconnect my drives and just have the game running from the virtual image. Neither DT v3.47, v4.0HE nor Alcohol120% were able to get this game running - at least not with my disc drives still connected. I really would appreciate a step by step description of the user who got the game running.


                  • #10
                    now i tried that too, and yeah, the bar stopped for a second, but the message was still the same "try another drive". really bad.

                    ive now tried the whole day to get it to run, with tools like sfn and the like, but i didnt have any success ...


                    • #11
                      That crashed and blue screened my computer Sparx when I hit Disable ATA.


                      • #12
                        At last ..... Also got this working ...
                        1. mount full image in DT4
                        2. In starforce nightmare I used the "disable ch2" option (as using "disable ATA" gave me a blue screen ! )

                        Game run fine ..still ok after 3 hours ...........
                        (bit sluggish though on my P3.2/6600gt rig) ?


                        • #13
                          No problem. Glad I could help I've decided to wait for the IDE jammer before I start playing X3, but I'm eagerly waiting!



                          • #14
                            that also didnt work for me. i wonder if dt will ever be able to "trick" starforce, when i cant get around it with all tools in the world


                            • #15
                              The "trick" is called the IDE-jammer for DT4, which will be coming soon. It will do the job of SFN for you and make your IDE drives "disappear" so that StarForce won't see them. DT4 Pro is actually going to be IDE-based instead of SCSI-based, so it won't even be a concern anymore.

                              Lots of people complaining about that. The 1.2.1 patch seems to have made it a little better, but it sounds like the 1.3 patch is supposed to help performance even more. I have 2 gigs of PC3200 and a 6800GT, so I'm hoping it will run smoothly on my box until then.


