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anyone got warhammer dawn of war 1.41 working

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  • anyone got warhammer dawn of war 1.41 working

    anyone got warhammer dawn of war 1.41 or winter assault expansion 1.41 working with no cd please share.

  • #2
    How did you create the images? Does it work with the original discs?
    "I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."


    • #3
      1.4 works fine but 1.41 has a new security measure that detects daemon tools! GRRR! I have yet to find a succesful way of hiding d-tools from this new protection


      • #4
        Warhammer 1.41 is easy. You need only a perfect MDS, Daemon tools, an Alc. Image and a antiblacklist software, for example CureROM or SR7Stop. Run The Image with Daemon tools and protect SecuRom 7 from detecting the Virtual Devices. My recomment is CureRom, you must one times create a File for This game and it still works everytimes, after every restarts and updates. SR7Stop is easier to use but you must start it after every start of the computer.


        • #5
          and what about unplugging your optical drives? or disabling them?
          maybe they blacklisted all SCSi drives...
          My sysProfile!


          • #6
            Originally Posted by LooDos
            and what about unplugging your optical drives? or disabling them?
            maybe they blacklisted all SCSi drives...
            no! Its Securom 7! It works perfect with the things i wrote on last post!
            Mount a image with perfect mds (you can download the mds on different pages -> google) on DT and use AntiBlacklisting software like SR7 or Curerom and it starts! It works for me and i have NForce 2 Motherboard.


            • #7
              Wow, I've been running Dawn of War on physical backup discs and never had problems. A120% seems to make a perfect copy of a real disc (or at least good enough to fool the new protection with little trouble). I might have something running to help that along, but usually I keep only 10 or so core processes running, so I think an A120% copy works by itself.

              If you are running from a downloaded image, I don't know what to say, but if you have access to a real set of discs, give an Alcohol copy a try on the play disc.

              As for a no-cd, I'm sorry, but I haven't tried that yet with DoW. I'm slowly converting all my games to HDD only and storing the originals, so I'll try DoW as my next game and let you know if I get it working.


              • #8
                on a computer of my friend several SR7 games do not work unless u use SFN. even Antiblah, SR7 stop and CureROM dont work...
                the games are FEAR, Moto GP 3,...
                My sysProfile!


                • #9
                  SecuROM7 does blacklist (at least some versions of it) SCSI-Drives if IDE-Drives are found and as far as I know SFN a.s.o. hides IDE-Drives that is why it might works if you use programs like this...

                  Ah btw. because it is SecuROM it could be also this one blacklist mentioned on the main page... anyway...
                  Have you tried using the SecuROM-Loader from DT-Website?


                  • #10
                    I could need some help

                    Hey. Im a little nooby with this stuff. Could you please help me?

                    You said I need a perfect MDS. I made my alcohold image with the last version and theres no securom 7. I had to use securom new 4x-5x Besides daemon dont accept the *.mds. I have to mount the *.mdf and its not working. Its a image from the original cd btw. I have 2 serials but only 1 cd and I want to play online with my brother. Thats why I need to play wihout 1 cd.

                    My questions are now:
                    -What is a perfect mds?
                    -What is securom 7 and where I can get it?
                    -Might somewho know what my problem is?

                    Thank you very much.


                    • #11
                      Just to clear things, .mds/.mdf are brother files.
                      And DT sees only the mds when you choose the image files...
                      Securom 7... this is a protection scheme, you'll get it on some games (most current protections on CD/DVD : safedisk, securom and starforce)

                      For the other questions, the search function is your best friend...
                      Last edited by Kinlaadare; 27.02.2006, 10:48.
                      Carpe diem


                      • #12
                        By the way BaTTousai20, why do you have 2 serials and only 1 cd?


                        • #13
                          LoL, If you wanna know...

                          A friend of mine got the game for his birthday, but he hasnt installed it. So I asked him for the key and he gave it to me. But if he needs it, he ll get it back. He lives far, so he gave it by Msn Messenger. But for know I could play. If theres a way to play 1.41 without cd.

                          I still canґt load the *.mds file with DT. Its a 1:1 image and the last version of A120 made it. *.mds and *.mdf are in the same path. If I directly choose the *.mdf its not working.


                          • #14

                            DOW - SecuROM
                            WA - SecuROM

                            Diferent .exes

                            I can run WA with ASR 1.2 but not DOW... What are my options for running DOW with patch 1.41???


                            • #15

                              patch game to 1.5, it they have removed copy protections from it

