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Prince of Persia Two Thrones working without unpluging optical devices

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  • Prince of Persia Two Thrones working without unpluging optical devices

    I don't know why, but i have a normal PC, i mean:

    intel motherboard (elitegroup)
    ata hdd
    dvd reader
    cd recorder

    doing tests i have found out that POPTT works with
    daemon 4.x and this configuration:

    IDE0 - DVD reader (SLAVE MODE middle of IDE wire ) + HDD (MASTER MODE )

    IDE1 - CD recorder (SLAVE MODE middle of IDE wire)

    and that's all, maybe the key is slave mode in the middle of the IDE wires, and don't know how CD Recorder works in slave mode being alone in the IDE1 !?

    any ideas why this configuration works ?


  • #2
    What is the chipset of you mobo? nForce? via?
    Carpe diem


    • #3
      My motherboard

      My motherboard


      Processor Intel® FC-PGA Pentium III / FC-PGA2 Pentium III (Tualatin) CPU

      Intel® Celeron FC-PGA series CPU
      Socket 370
      133 / 100 / 66MHz

      CHIPSET SiS® 635T Chipset
      IDE 2 UltraDMA 100 / 66 / 33
      BIOS AMI 2Mb Flash EEPROM

      if anybody achive working with this indication has to thanks PLM, my brother, the betatester



      • #4
        there are 3 options for the jumper config.

        Cable Select

        In cable select the device will be automatically configurated depending of where is connected.
        Middle-> Slave

        Then your cd recorder is slave, cause their jumper is in slave or cable select(connected in the middle=slave).
        Mejor morir de pie, que no vivir de rodillas.


        • #5
          Thanks arisma for your explanation about IDE jumpers,

          but anybody can test in his system something like my configuration, i have to tell that we installed game before doing changes in the master-slave devices.

          and i have to add, we test this solution we read in a forum:

          StarForce Bypass Method without Unplugging
          Method found by Cedric128Fr (translated from French here ):

          1. If you have DAEMON Tools installed on your PC, uninstall it.
          2. Shutdown your PC and unplug all CD/DVD drives.
          3. Boot the PC in safe mode , and uninstall every CD/DVD drivers.
          4. Reboot in normal mode, always without CD/DVD plugged, and install DAEMON Tools 4.x.
          Your virtual drive need to have the letter next to the one of your HDD. (necessary !!)
          5. Shutdown the PC again and plug the CD/DVD Drive.
          6. Boot the PC and let Windows install the CD/DVD Drive.
          7. Mount a sf iso with DAEMON Tools, install and play

          but the game (POPTT) didn't work. And when the game worked with our solution, we changed daemon letter of our
          virtual device, and the game ran without problems.

          sorry my english,
          i'm spanish



          • #6
            I always tried that, but don´t run for me.

            I can´t help you so much, i have a nforce 4 motherboard

            Another spanish here,

            @a little correction
            Mejor morir de pie, que no vivir de rodillas.


            • #7
              Your virtual drive need to have the letter next to the one of your HDD. (necessary !!)
              That could be the trick because I don't have a problem playing POPTT either (no cracks or anything, just daemon tools 4.0.3)

              My drives:

              C:\ HDD1 partition 1
              D:\ HDD1 partition 2
              E:\ DVD writer
              F:\ CDROM
              G:\ HDD2 partition 1
              H:\ HDD2 partition 2
              I:\ Daemon tools drive 1
              J:\ Daemon tools drive 2

