First of all thanks to the team for the great release of the DT v4.09. STPD helps to successfully fool starforce v4.7 of detecting emulation but I always get the disc key error problem. I tried using high DPM precision of 1X in latest Alcohol of v1.9.6 build 4719 but SF still doesn't accept my disc with disc key error message. But when I use the genuine disc it always run fine. Is that some problem related to the new STPD software?
Thanks so much! You guys rocks!
First of all thanks to the team for the great release of the DT v4.09. STPD helps to successfully fool starforce v4.7 of detecting emulation but I always get the disc key error problem. I tried using high DPM precision of 1X in latest Alcohol of v1.9.6 build 4719 but SF still doesn't accept my disc with disc key error message. But when I use the genuine disc it always run fine. Is that some problem related to the new STPD software?
Thanks so much! You guys rocks!