First time Ive used this site and feel very lucky to find a site like this with people who know what they are talking about for a change, So a BIG Hi 2 Every 1 OUT there
Any way hears my problem....
I got original game which I brought @ Game.
And tried making a backup of the 3 cd's just in case my little brother decided he want 2 play Frisbee with my new cds again.... Little Sod :shock:
First of all I tried clone cd to backup the first cd and that worked fine, but clone cd couldn't backup the second cd, came up with some illegal copy error, so I then backed up the second cd with Alcohol 120% and it worked fine, then finally backed up the third cd ok.
But when installing I keep getting a error message from the second cd
Component transfer error
Component Main
File Group Main
File D:\
Error Data error (cyclic redundancy check)
Have tried imaging the cds and putting them in virtual drives and having the emulator on for securom but still get the same error.
Would be very Grateful for any Help!
Thanks Alot Malice19 :mrgreen:

Any way hears my problem....
I got original game which I brought @ Game.
And tried making a backup of the 3 cd's just in case my little brother decided he want 2 play Frisbee with my new cds again.... Little Sod :shock:
First of all I tried clone cd to backup the first cd and that worked fine, but clone cd couldn't backup the second cd, came up with some illegal copy error, so I then backed up the second cd with Alcohol 120% and it worked fine, then finally backed up the third cd ok.
But when installing I keep getting a error message from the second cd
Component transfer error
Component Main
File Group Main
File D:\
Error Data error (cyclic redundancy check)
Have tried imaging the cds and putting them in virtual drives and having the emulator on for securom but still get the same error.

Would be very Grateful for any Help!
Thanks Alot Malice19 :mrgreen: