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Civilization 4 not working with DT4

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  • Civilization 4 not working with DT4


    Civilization 4 does not work better with DT4 than with DT 3.47.
    I still need SD4 Hide to run that game.

    I thought, DT4 does not have any blacklisting problems and supports ALL actual copyprotection.

    DT4 is - at the moment - not what me and most people (I think) expected.

  • #2
    Originally Posted by DomiOh
    I thought, DT4 does not have any blacklisting problems and supports ALL actual copyprotection.
    This is what we told you it would be able to - and this is exactly what it is able to.

    All blacklists have been fixed, you won't need anti-blacklisting tools for DTv4 anymore. Furthermore, DTv4 does support all copy protections, if you have no IDE drives, you can run every game from DTv4.

    However, DTv4 is still SCSI based, and as such will be blocked by the latest copy protections - not because they blacklist DTv4, but because they blacklist every SCSI device if they find an optical IDE drive in the system. If you had an IDE DVD drive but wanted to run your game from a physical SCSI drive you'd still need to hide your IDE drive.

    So this has nothing to do with Daemon Tools, only with the fact that all SCSI drives are blocked by these copy protections. And you'll always need IDE jammers to circumvent this.

    We never claimed anything else!
    "I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."


    • #3
      Originally Posted by DomiOh

      Civilization 4 does not work better with DT4 than with DT 3.47.
      I still need SD4 Hide to run that game.

      I thought, DT4 does not have any blacklisting problems and supports ALL actual copyprotection.

      DT4 is - at the moment - not what me and most people (I think) expected.
      Experienced the same. And yes, isn't what many expected!
      Click here to visit my website.]


      • #4
        Well, I can play Civ4 (mds) with DT3.47 (no other emulations enabled) just fine ...

        From my point of view, Iґve no reason to upgrade to DT4 ... at least Iґve found none so far ... compared to the pre-hype .


        • #5
          Hm... strange. SD4 Hide hides the virtual drives - not the IDE drives... so in my opinion DT4 is blacklisted ...


          • #6
            same here.
            civ4 with DT4 alone: doesn't work..keeps asking for CD/DVD
            civ4 with DT4 and sd4hide works perfect.


            • #7
              DT4 is not blacklisted, all SCSI drives are - that's the problem here.
              Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
              They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


              • #8
                Very strange - I could play Civ 4 with version DT 3.47 without any aditional tools.
                Now to play Civ 4 with DT 4.00 I have to use sd4hide.

                What have changed from previos verision?


                • #9
                  Civ 4 with DT4 is working fine for me without any additional tools. When i was using 3.47, i required SD4hide to mask it.

                  i have no ide drives, just a usb cd drive.

                  and about the changes, well stick around long enough and you'll find that it's been rebuilt from the ground up. while it looks the same, it acts very differently.
                  Athlon X2 3800
                  2gb DDR400
                  6800nu -> 16x6
                  2x160 SATA Raid, 160gb + 80gb + 80gb IDE


                  • #10
                    I followed the unplug drives thing that was suggested on a couple of other posts but I still get the same damn insert correct disc. I thought I didn't need to use SD4hide anymore


                    • #11
                      For me it acts as before... I have no advantages with DT4.

                      It seems I have to wait for DT Pro to have advantages...


                      • #12
                        Your first message didn't appear because your posts are moderated and approved before being shown until you get 20 posts total. You should have seen that when you created your account.



                        • #13
                          its more likely you didnt installed dt4 properly.

                          thats actually the only "flaw" i can see so far by using dt4 , its that the installer isnt all that.

                          properly installing dt4 :

                          uninstall dt4 / dt3.47

                          check registry hkey_local_machine/SYSTEM/currentcontrolset/services

                          and delete "dt347bus" and "dt347prt" (or was it just d347.. ? ) youll see.

                          go to dir /WINDOWS/system32/drivers

                          delete d(t?)347bus.sys and d(t?)347prt.sys and sptd.sys (or rename)

                          restart, check if those 3 files are gone in drivers dir.

                          install dt4 , restart when prompted.


                          • #14
                            I installed it that way, but I cannot see any advantage.

                            It seems, I have to wait for DT Pro.

                            Btw, If I registered DT, do I get any confirmation of the DT-Team ?
                            I got my confirmation from ShareIt! that they got my money two days ago.


                            • #15
                              Its just marketing man u see second post, they lie lie lie just to make you buy, if as u claim all scsi drives are blacklisted and d-tools uses it, means dt4 is blacklisted to.
                              Imho dt4 woth crap, dont think payed version will be much change.
                              Sry bio

