got a problem need answers with new zorro movie.reaches 60% on dvddecrypter and gives error message w/aprox 21error this new protection overrideable with daemon? because i tried to mount the image in daemon and as soon as i get to the (select new image file)window i go to the drive letter where dvd (zorro)is located the audio ts/jacket p/video ts. i get no reaction choosing (select)and (open) shows all files within movies but daemon doesnt accept the vts files either in select all mode and or file by file .what am i doing wrong and why all the complications when dvd43 is a program that is a click away.i build memory cards for Dell, Hewlett & formerly gateway. and the industry is geared toward simplifying and reducing complications and production cost and if i can somehow help you guys please let me know because i wrote the codecs for the programs we use to program the an internationally licensed and certified computer engineer and i can relate to the concept of the virtual drive it's great but id like to help and be helped so please accept my pleas and offer. hope to hear from you all soon.