I made an exact copy od SC:CHAOS THEORY with alcohol 1:1, mounted it with daemon tools v4. But the protection asks me for a serial. I enter the one I have, and it says it is wrong or mistyped. Could it be becouse the image is not exactly a 1:1 copy? What could be wrong?
I copied and mounted x3 image the same way, and it even did not ask me for any serial. I played it all right.
Help, pleeease!
I made an exact copy od SC:CHAOS THEORY with alcohol 1:1, mounted it with daemon tools v4. But the protection asks me for a serial. I enter the one I have, and it says it is wrong or mistyped. Could it be becouse the image is not exactly a 1:1 copy? What could be wrong?
I copied and mounted x3 image the same way, and it even did not ask me for any serial. I played it all right.
Help, pleeease!
