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yasu -s doesn't work for me

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  • yasu -s doesn't work for me

    Yasu works as expected on my system if I don't use -s.

    However, if I enter yasu -s from a command prompt, it does nothing. Yasu does not start (I can tell by running Yasu normally; it starts rather than stops).

    If I put yasu -s in a batch file, the batch file fails to move to the next line.

    Any ideas?


  • #2
    Have you tried creating a shortcut to yasu.exe with the -s parameter?
    CureROM Support Team


    • #3
      Have not tried that because what I'm trying to do is make a batch file work. However, I did try yasu -a, and that works, even though it does yasu -s at startup.

      So somehow yasu -s is not compatible with my XP command prompt environment.


      • #4
        could be related to parsing the commandline
        from console based programs, i've seen the ' character used instead of " , and sometimes no character at all

        maybe syk0 could shed some light on it, or debug yasu and bpx on GetCommandLineA and see what happens
        my views are 100% personal views..


        • #5
          If I put yasu -s in a batch file, the batch file fails to move to the next line.
          In a commandline enviroment when you run YASU (even without -s) YASU runs properly, however the command prompt is waiting for YASU to exit/close before continuing to the next line.

          I'll look at fixing this "bug" in YASU 1.1.0
          curerom @


          • #6

            BTW, one other thing I've noticed:

            if you start yasu silently with yasu -a, the first time you run yasu manually it silently restores your drives if you don't use -s


            • #7
              Just so you know with Y.A.S.U v1.1.0 there will be various fixes and additions to the commandline parameters, this shoud make use of Y.A.S.U a bit easier to use from scripts/batch file(s).

              If I put yasu -s in a batch file, the batch file fails to move to the next line.
              However there is a solution to the above probelm.
              When running a 32bit application (i.e Y.A.S.U) from a script/batch file try the following example.


              @ECHO OFF
              @ECHO Step 1: Run Y.A.S.U, cloak your devices.
              @START YASU.exe -s

              @ECHO Step 2: Run your Application/game.
              @"D:\Games\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\sweaw.exe"

              @ECHO Step 3: Run Y.A.S.U, uncloak your devices.
              @START YASU.exe -s

              @rem Remove the line below to disable pause in scipt.
              curerom @


              • #8
                How far off is 1.1.0 now?


                • #9
                  Thanks. The start command does help.

                  However, I then found a new problem, at least for Forces of Corruption (swfoc.exe). It seems to return control to the batch file too soon! Even if I use start /wait, the batch file proceeds almost immediately, so that yasu unloads too soon. From googling, this may be because it's multithreaded.

                  Anyway, I found a fix: I downloaded the Microsoft batch command sleep.exe, and added sleep 30 to insert a 30 second delay after launching swfoc and before unloading yasu. This seems to be enough.


                  • #10
                    However, I then found a new problem, at least for Forces of Corruption (swfoc.exe). It seems to return control to the batch file too soon! Even if I use start /wait, the batch file proceeds almost immediately, so that yasu unloads too soon. From googling, this may be because it's multithreaded.
                    This has something to do with SecuROM, with the newer versions of SecuROM when you run your game (swfoc.exe) the SecuROM wrapper kills the process then starts a new one, that's why you batch file moves to the next line (the procces ended).
                    curerom @


                    • #11
                      That's consistent with what I've observed, thanks.

                      Can you think of any reason not to unload Yasu in the middle of a Securom game (i.e., after a short timer delay)? It seems to work. I prefer this to running Yasu all the time (at boot) because it blocks access to Plextor PlexTools and I don't know what else it may affect. (It's pretty interesting to me that you can hide the DVD drive from Securom but it's still visible to Windows; I don't really understand that.)

                      Anyway, if others want to try my "sleep" approach, sleep.exe can be downloaded from MS here:



                      • #12
                        i would suggest DaemonScript for that. You can run programs, mount/unmount images and (!) set delay times.

                        Upgrade your programs:
                        DaemonTools --- SPTD --- YASU --- PID


                        • #13
                          Just for the record, regarding the batch file posted above, with @ECHO OFF at the beginning, you don't need @ commands before each line (@ = no echo).


                          • #14
                            The sleep thing...

                            well why not use:

                            @echo off
                            echo Waiting 10 seconds
                            ping localhost -n 10 >nul
                            echo - continueing...

                            I HATE inserting discs of games i bought. why have a large HD and still have to instert them?
                            so a solution i use:

                            source and description here:

                            @echo off

                            rem - 26 August 2008


                            rem NOTE: DO NOT USE quotation marks
                            set GAMENAME=HELLGATE:London
                            set GAMEEXE=hellgate_sp_dx9_x86.exe

                            rem NOTE: ONLY use quotation marks, if the PATHs have spaces.
                            set GAMELAUNCHER="K:\Hellgate London\Launcher.exe"
                            set GAMEISO="K:\Hellgate London\MINI ISO\Hellgate London.mds"

                            set DTEXE="C:\Programme\DAEMON Tools Lite\daemon.exe"
                            set YASUDIR="C:\Programme\DAEMON Tools Lite"

                            color F9
                            title %GAMENAME% [ LAUNCHER ]

                            echo Launching... %GAMENAME%
                            echo DAEMON TOOLS: Mounting ISO
                            %DTEXE% -unmount 0 -safedisc on -securom on -laserlock on -rmps on -mount 0,%GAMEISO%

                            echo YASU: Cloaking Daemon Tools
                            start /d %YASUDIR% YASU.exe -s -c

                            echo WAIT: for Yasu 2 seconds
                            rem wait 10 secs
                            ping localhost -n 2 >nul

                            echo STARTING: %GAMENAME% [ Launcher ]

                            rem let the launcher start the game before we check if it got closed
                            rem ping localhost -n 10 >nul

                            echo WAITING: For %GAMENAME% to end

                            rem wait for game exe to be finished
                            ping localhost -n 5 >nul

                            rem not used, because of the "task not found msg.
                            rem tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %GAMEEXE%" /NH |find /I "%GAMEEXE%" >nul

                            tasklist /NH |find /I "%GAMEEXE%" >nul

                            rem game exe ended, and we go to finish the procedure
                            if %errorlevel%==1 goto finishup

                            goto checkifclosed


                            echo ENDED

                            echo CONTINUE: Cleaning up

                            echo DAEMON TOOLS: Unmounting ISO
                            %DTEXE% -unmount 0

                            echo YASU: Uncloaking
                            start /d %YASUDIR% YASU.exe -s -x

                            echo DONE!

