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  • Shame

    I've been going through my list of programs to clear anything I don't use, and I saw I had Daemon Tools listed, last used in 2003. I forgot what it was, so I did a search and on about the third returned site I learned about the ad-ware that is now attached to this program. I proceeded to make sure I did not have this ad-ware, and since I downloaded the program in 2003, it was not attached then. However, I was curious as to how a grounds-up, freeware product that is obviously grounded in the fringe (warez, work-arounds) could have fallen of the unwritten laws of this particular counter-culture.

    What I've seen is not only a blatent violation of ethics, but the blatent rubbing of shit into the faces of the customers, by the people who worked on this project. I've read a few posts that say something along the lines of "it should be unchecked by default" or "you should name it what it actually is, instead of implying it is part of Daemon Tools". The reply seems to completely brush off these valid suggestions, with a group of croonies attacking anyone who brings these up.

    When it comes to this sort of community, there is a fine line between those who respect the code and those who break it. Once you break it, you will never regain that trust and respect. You might still have a few supporters, but the ones who know what is up will never trust this company again. You are manipulating the naivete of the unexperienced users in a decietful manner and destroying their privacy without warning. And you are taking pride in this.

    I hope you fall. I'll leave your program on my computer, however. If I ever need to use it, I will. And I might actively seek out any sort of warez of any of your programs and seed them for a long time. You comprimise your original ethics and morals and you comprimise your customer base, you will find this out soon enough. I see the administraters here act like their program is so important, when it really is not. You act as though coding a simple program and maintaining a website is not only a great burden in terms of work but also in terms of money. This is bullshit and you are only fooling yourselves. There are hundreds of free-ware programs that are downloaded more than yours that still remain ad-ware and spy-ware free.

    I won't come back here because you are not important to me. This are words that I hope will help to enable you to see the wrongs you have committed. Goodbye.

  • #2


    the modern world:
    net helpmsg 4006

