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    Ok, I'm a complete sucker when it comes to problems with my computer. I love the thing and I hate continuous rebooting and reinstalling. But I NEED D4! Simply for playing City Life!
    Now that sux. I've tried a few solutions posted here (while I actually shud be studying) but none work for me (and at one point I spent an hour fixing WXP!).
    So please, please, please, a simple solution would be nice, without fucking around in the registry, or in het windows system folder. Why nog just make a totally new D4? For me, and everyone else that has this problem? I mean, can't be that hard right? For all you smart-ass computer whizzes? Pretty please? I need D4!

    (or better yet: D3 with starforce emulation?)

  • #2

    Why was he banned?
    the modern world:
    net helpmsg 4006


    • #3
      For idiotism! "But I NEED D4! Simply for playing City Life!" - why would you "NEED D4" that much? Do I smell the lack of original?
      "Why nog just make a totally new D4? For me, and everyone else that has this problem? I mean, can't be that hard right?" - sure, why not write your own then? We really don't need such morons here.
      Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
      They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


      • #4

        Aaaaaaah. I see now .
        the modern world:
        net helpmsg 4006

