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After Installation of newest D-Tools

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  • After Installation of newest D-Tools

    Hello to all,

    first I would like to thank you very much for any help you can give me..

    When I tried install the 64Bit version there was immediately an error because my system was not compatible with it so I downloaded the 32Bit Version. (Windows XP SP2)

    I started the installation and received the message that the STPD drivers must be installed and they asked me whether to install it or not, of course I clicked yes. After the installation of these drivers was completed, it requested a reboot and so I rebooted my computer. When I logged into XP I saw that daemon tools wanted to continue the installation with the actual program, but then I saw an error message coming up saying something about my SCSI/Raid-Hostcontroller, I do not know what it exactly said, but I saw another error message coming from Daemon Tools, which gave me a simple red cross and it said: Invalid device.

    This happened in maybe 1 or 2 seconds and then my computer restarted itself. Not one time, but 10 times until I saw this rundll32 in my taskmanager and I was able to shut it before my computer did another restart, and so I removed everything which had to do with daemons tools. On my hard disk there was a folder named Daemon Tools, but I could not uninstall it so I had to remove the folder manually.

    The strange thing is, that before I formatted my computer (this was like 2 months ago) I had daemon tools 3.46 on my computer and it worked perfectly.

    Well this is the story and I hope that you can help me with my problem..

    Exact error messages:

    1st error message: Headline (translation from German to English): Error while undocking from the SCSI/Raid-Hostcontroller

    The device "SCSI/RAID-Hostcontroller" can currently not be closed. Please repeat the process later.

    2nd error message: Headline: DAEMON tools

    Unable to add adapter. Device problem 12.

    Sincerely yours,

    P.S.: I am sorry for any typos or gramatical errors, and if you need any further information, please ask, thank you.

    2nd P.S.: Forum problem solved, thanks to the explanation of AnalCobra.
    Last edited by Gili; 21.07.2006, 10:49.

  • #2
    Originally Posted by Gili
    2nd P.S.: The forum is bugged. When I clicked on "Submit new thread" in the morning, it did not appear in the forum, and now at 11 o'clock it suddenly appears, so do not blame me for triple or quattro posts, thanks.
    This forum is moderated, so your posts won't show up immediately (only for users with less than 20 posts).
    Heaven Can Wait -- My Band-Page


    • #3
      I would really appreciate any little help, since all tips mentioned in the forums did not work.




      • #4
        Try going here and download SPTDinst_X86.
        Install that first, and make sure no errors appear in device manager...
        To be certain of that, open device manager, and choose from the top menu... "View>Show hidden devices"
        Then expand "Non-plug and play Drivers"
        Locate "sptd" under that section, and make sure there are no problems with the installation. (Problems are denoted by a question mark or exclamation point to the left of the driver name)

        Assuming you have no errors, install D-Tools v4.03HE.
        It should skip the SPTD installation as it will detect an existing install...

        Report back here with your status once this is complete.
        SpeedLabs Inc. - Welcome to the real world...


        • #5
          Hello AmphetaMarinE,

          first I would like ti thank you for your reply.

          I downloaded the file you asked me to download and I tried to install it, but then I get this message:

          SPTD setup V1.25 (C) Duplex Secure Ltd.

          Usage: sptdinst action
          Instally/uninstalls SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer.
          Action must be 'add' or 'remove'

          I tried restarting my computer but that did not work.

          Thank you.



          • #6
            Well, I was able to install the SPTD drivers with the help of my brother and I continued with the installations of Daemon Tools after I restarted my computer. Well, the installation went fine, also after the reboot in the installation, but when I click "Run Daemons tools now" it loads some things but then I get the same error as in my first post. Device problem 12 and the thing with the SCSI Hostcontroller..

            Still I am very gratefull for your reply.



            • #7
              AmphetaMarinE, are you still there?


              • #8
                Same problem here -.-

                everything is fine untill I start daemon-tools

                than the hardware wizards pops up and tries to install a new scsi/raid controller --- same as above


                • #9
                  Now I got daemon tools to be installed without the error notice with the scsi adapter...

                  (uninstalled daemon tools -> check if there is no error with the spdt thingy -> reinstalled -> worked [so far] )

                  BUT: if I start daemon tools now I get "Invalid device" ... nothing else oO

                  what now ?


                  • #10
                    Could any Administrator help me/us in this case?

                    Unfortunately I cannpt play any newer games anymore .

                    Thanks and goodbye,



                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Gili
                      Could any Administrator help me/us in this case?

                      Unfortunately I cannpt play any newer games anymore .

                      Thanks and goodbye,

                      1. Which DT version do you have installed?
                      2. Which game(s) do you want to play?
                      3. Do you want to play them with the original cd or with an image?
                      4. How did you create your images (program and settings)?
                      Heaven Can Wait -- My Band-Page


                      • #12
                        1. I tried to install DAEMON Tools 4.0.3 X86, but before I had 3.47 (before I formatted my drive C)
                        2. Hitman Blood Money mainly
                        3. With an image
                        4. I cannot answer this question because I do not know whether I am allowed to post it.

