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Sims OFB Used to play... not playing now???

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  • Sims OFB Used to play... not playing now???


    I finally got the Sims OFB to play in March after using SD4Hide and finally getting past the BSOD by adding 2 more Gbs of RAM 2 weeks ago.

    I now have a new problem and I am hoping that someone may be able to help.

    I have not had any problems playing the game for the past 2 weeks but I started it up as usual tonight and nothing happened! The OFB logo came up and then the game did not load. I restarted the computer and tried again... Nothing.

    The copy was made with Alcohol 120 and it is an .mds file. I have been using this particular copy of the game since March without any loading problems.

    My operating system is an AMD64 3200+, Windows 2000, 3GBs RAM, NVIDIA TForce 6100.

    I let my sister borrow the disc so I do not know if it works without a disc or not, and I will not be able to get my disc back until next week. Any suggestions in the meantime would be much appreciated!!!

    Thank you!