Tach hab da starforce habs versucht mal mit antiblah zu umgehen. da steht.
1) mount the clone or maxi image with Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%
2) run the _on.bat corresponding to your OS language
3) set win2000 compatibility mode for your game .exe
4) launch the game & play
5) run the _off.bat corresponding to your OS language
(it's strongly advised as reboot won't cancel the registry trick
das versteh ich alles außer 3) was zum teufel soll ich denn da machen oder gibst noch was einfacheres für starforce???
1) mount the clone or maxi image with Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%
2) run the _on.bat corresponding to your OS language
3) set win2000 compatibility mode for your game .exe
4) launch the game & play
5) run the _off.bat corresponding to your OS language
(it's strongly advised as reboot won't cancel the registry trick
das versteh ich alles außer 3) was zum teufel soll ich denn da machen oder gibst noch was einfacheres für starforce???