I borrowed my friend's Kane Edition, since I didn't want to buy one. Backed it up in .iso format (don't know what program I used. There's a lot of them here, but they never seemed to have conflicted). I mounted it on Daemon Tools 4.09HE and somewhere in the middle, it just begun asking for disk one. To be more specific:
Please insert disk:1
Tried using Y.A.S.U, 1.1 7033, still didn't solve the problem.
Could the problem lie in the way I made it into an .iso or is it somewhere else? Should I also back up the second disk and make an .iso out of it?
Please insert disk:1
Tried using Y.A.S.U, 1.1 7033, still didn't solve the problem.
Could the problem lie in the way I made it into an .iso or is it somewhere else? Should I also back up the second disk and make an .iso out of it?