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Recognize .img files

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  • Recognize .img files

    Would it be possible to have ".img" files recognized as mountable images (like cue/mds/iso etc). Unless I'm missing something, it's currently necessary to choose "*.*all files" in the dropdown box in order to have them appear as mountable images.

    Sorry if this has been mentioned already...I wasn't able to use img as a search term.


  • #2
    img. files are supported as part of CloneCD image file format only, and then the toc-file must be mounted (i.e. the .ccd).
    The .img format is not supported directly, it may work as unknown file formats are mounted as iso (if possible).
    Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
    They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


    • #3
      I'm not sure what program spits them out, but the .img files I'm referring to, are DVD images, and they work just fine every time.

      Interesting that all unknown files are mounted as ISO. I didn't know that, but I do know most people take the unnecessary step of renaming their .img files to .iso to get Daemon to recognize them. It would be nice to just have it recognize the file type like all the rest it works with.

      Oh well, thanks for the response.

