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  • securom

    Hi mates,
    I've same problem too, and I think, I don't understand the DT and YASU.

    I've two games, which securom protected.
    WiC and Lock On - Flaming cliffs

    I did these steps, with WiC:
    - I mounted .mdf file with DT lite 4.30.1
    - I installed the game
    - I wring my hand, 'cause I can't play: please, put the original disc

    - I downloaded DT Pro
    - I mounted that downloaded .mdf file
    - I converted .mdf to .mds
    - I unmounted that .mdf and mounted .mds
    - I tried to start game, negative

    - I burned the converted file (.mds) into a dvd
    - I uninstalled the game
    - rebooted my PC
    - I installed again from DVD
    - nothing

    - I installed YASU
    - I putted the .exe into DT lite and DT pro folders too
    - YASU is running, and nothing, just that fricking message: "please, put the original disc"

    I looking for a strong rope that I'll hang myself in effigy.

    Andbody please, try to tell me, when did I mistake? I'd like to understand and use these softwares... and I'd like to try these games.