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Puzzling issue

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  • Puzzling issue

    I have been using DT Lite for quite awhile now and now i have a really puzzling issue regarding it.

    Today I mounted a game : Bully 's iso using DT lite the newest version.It ran smoothly for start, until it just went into the main installation of the game the whole computer just FREEZES there and i am unable to do anything just only after one task that i tried to do, like ctrl+alt+delete to stop the installation or pressing anything using the mouse.

    I've mounted and installed another game Warhammer 40k DoW 2 yesterday and it did not give me any problems.

    I had to use power restart my machine to actually get the it running back to normal, i have tried 4 to 5 times and the same issue happens again.

    My machine specs are :
    OS : Microsoft Windows Vista Home Edition SP2
    MotherBoard :Intel Pentium III Xeon, 2666 MHz
    Graphics cards : Mobile Intel(R) GMA 4500MHD
    ATI Mobility FireGL V5700
    2GB memory

  • #2
    How did you get those images?
    Did you try to create an image via DT and then mount it?


    • #3

      i just got it from my friend's hard disk and the iso file is just provided inside the folder and i just mounted it as usual like i did for other games.

      My friends all got the installation working except only for me , so the problem is really weird


      • #4
        Did you read DAEMON Tools EULA and forum rules?

        You are only allowed to use this program if you are a legal owner of the original CD (DVD, HD DVD, Blu-ray) and you want to create or use a backup of your original disc.
        By the way, there is no guarantee that you copied image files correctly. Verify their checksums.

