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This PC's gonna get dusted if I can't get some Helppp.......Ooh please Willoowww

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  • This PC's gonna get dusted if I can't get some Helppp.......Ooh please Willoowww

    '' I usually kick ass ! But .......''

    I have got this file that is split, well I have used a '' App. called HJSplitPRO '' to re-join it, so far so good, BUT !
    Instead of 18 * 001-018.files of 14mb each, I am left with a 250mb complete file '' Ext = Tda-qphb ''
    What there hell do I do with it ! ? This is part of what the '' info file say's '' Instructions:
    1. Un-RAR Tda-qphb.001
    2. Burn CD or mount image with Daemon Tools
    But winrar/winzip won't touch these files, they will only offer to compress them ! even tried to change file ext to .rar but still no go & I cant mount these files because all I keep getting is un-recognised file format for windows ! Aaaahhh Please Help one severely peed/miffed off slayer.
    Thank you all.[/quote]

  • #2
    what info-file? If you didn't create the image we consider your request
    as warez-question and therefore will ban you.


    • #3

      I asked a close friend to back up some of my daughters software, as I'm not totaly thick, but I'm no tech head either.

      well 2 cut a long story abit shorter, me & my daughter have recently moved house, and we cant find this confounded software anyware, needless to say my daughter packed it !

      but I've found this back up dvd with all her important software on that she needs for her schoolwork, but because of the amount of backed up software there is on this disc I cant for the life of me figure out how she's done it '' my friend that is ''

      well my daughter needs this software for the September semesta, and I can't get hold of my mate as she's working out of the country, so unless I can get some help quick, my daughter & me are up shit creek without the proverbial paddle.

      So if you feel you must ban me then go ahead i'll have to try other forums, I was told this was one of the best, but...........As I say this is not warez it's legit software !!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        ok, can you please post your info-file please? give us more info, please!


        • #5
          very sorry there's nothing else related to these files in that doc. the rest of the doc. refers to other software & personal files of me & my daughter, along with very private notes.

          That is all the infiormation pertianing to this software, so i'm sorry but you will have to judge this on its own merrit's.


          • #6
            Interesting Point. Now, as it seems we delayed your warez-happiness
            a little bit (forgive us that we fooled you :mrgreen: ) I hope you
            had enough time to think about purchase of software you need.

            People like you are really fascinating, enough creativity to tell such GREAT
            bullshit-storys, but on the other hand unable to simple unpack some files?

            And for everyone else of your pirate-pals who read this: next time you ask
            us for support, be so clever and change the filenames.

            A simple google-search lead us directly to a bittorrent archive with 18 files.
            What a coincidence
            Are you guys thinking we are to jerky to use google?

            Soon with some more warez-requests we maybe close the board for the public.
            Is it worth all this?


            • #7
              well, I don't expect any answer from this guy after my last statement

              moved and user banned

