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error 25040

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  • error 25040

    Operating System: windows XP home edition
    Burning Software: nero startsmart 6
    Anti-virus Software: norton 2004
    DAEMON Tools Version: unknown

    I have a problem repairing/removing daemon tools i get this error massage:
    "device setup error: code 25040 (0x61D0), 2(0x2) . cotact your support personnel"
    I checked the common problems part for this error but I found no way to correct it :cry:
    Please someone help me

  • #2
    Error 25040 - drivers can not be written to Windows\System32\Drivers directory,
    0x2 - the system cannot find the file specified.
    Maybe something is wrong with system path or driver file was not copied there by Windows Installer.
    Please try with default driver names.
    Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
    They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


    • #3
      what do you mean default driver names?
      i cant place any driver names cause i guess that daemon tools is not fully removed so I have 2 choices either to remove or to update/repair
      but the error seems to appear no matter what i chose


      • #4
        somebody please

        please someone answer


        • #5
          Regarding removal check thread about error 25002 in common problems and solutions forum.
          Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
          They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


          • #6
            I tried to remove and it doesn't work please help
            I still got this massage:
            "device setup error: code 25040 (0x61D0), 2(0x2) . cotact your support personnel"


            • #7
              someone please :cry:


              • #8

                Operating System: windows xp sp 1
                Burning Software: nero burning 6
                Anti-virus Software: mcafee
                DAEMON Tools Version: lastest

                oks first of all, i think you get and error on c:\windows\daemon.dll....if so go to that path and find daemon.bak it have to be on there......or atleast for me, anyway if the file is there rename it to .dll and run the program that works for me

