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vietcong 2 cant get it 2 work

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  • vietcong 2 cant get it 2 work

    Hello, can someone tell me how to get vc2 working ? i tryed with daemon tools, a120,antiblaxx etc.... i just cant get it 2 work.

    Its not that i have no idea what to do i got working all the latest games from q4 on .. but i just cant get this vc2 working ..

    please help. (and please ... post details .. dont post just.. mount it in a120/dt rofl)

    Thank you all very much in advance

  • #2
    get sr7 stop and hide virtual drives mount with daemon and it works fine.
    also remove anti blax it will screw around with your system
    hope this helps


    • #3
      make a GOOD DPM measurement! (or download one from
      use sr7.stop to hide the virtual drive (I use DT)




      • #4
        1.i have cd images .BWI
        2.i wannt to mount it and play it.. i dont wanna make cds from the image
        3.i have no idea what DPM or w/e is.. i dont burn cd.s or dvd.s ... no .. almost never (only mp3 for the car ).. i just mount dvd/cds.. keep mini images and images.

        I hope the other vd hidder works.

        BTW ... does antiblaxx leave any shit in the register and stuff... i just removed it in CP .. is it enough ?

        Thank you very much for your help


        • #5
          Please tell us *exactly* how you created those images? It's pretty important for us to know so we can tell you what went wrong.
          "I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."


          • #6
            :s i didn create them myself.

            BTW this sr7stop... this is usable only if you have dvds or cds.. ?

            Cause it just blocks VDs ... So i was wondering whats wrong with antiblaxx.. cause it seemed to be working just fine (i could play sr7 prot. games from images from my HD).

