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ISO Files

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  • ISO Files

    Sorry if this question is simple, but I'm new to this stuff. Awhile ago, I made an iso file from several games that I owned. Well, the cds are scratched badly and will not load. Is there anyway I can play these games, like on my computer, with just the .iso file?

  • #2
    It depends of the copy- protection used for those games. If you still have the iso's on your drive and really bought he games, try to mount the iso's in daemon tools, and install.

    If you didn't buy them disconsider what I said before.
    So, mother goose has been messin' around in your egg salad, huh kid?


    • #3
      get a new CD from ... manufacturer

      You can sometimes get a new CD from the game manufacturer if you pay approx. $10 and a shipping fee.
      the modern world:
      net helpmsg 4006

