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Has anyone ever solve Lock On: Flaming Cliffs with 4.0?

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  • Has anyone ever solve Lock On: Flaming Cliffs with 4.0?

    And is that I can just use 4.0 like I did the older version? Does NO IDE-Jammer atm make a diffrence?

  • #2
    You will not need any anti-blacklisting tools like AntiBlaxx etc, blacklists aiming at Daemon Tools have been fixed.

    However, Daemon Tools v4 still is SCSI-based, and many recent copy protections block all SCSI-based drives as soon as an ATAPI drive (= optical IDE drive) is found. Hence the need for an IDE-jammer.

    We're working on providing our users with such a tool, however it isn't finished yet and we didn't want to delay the release of DTv4 any further. Those Anti-Blacklisting tools were much more unstable than IDE-jammers (e.g. StarForce Nightmare) so right now you're in a much better situation than before even if you still have to use those.
    "I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."


    • #3
      First of all, you don't need to create about this topic just because you tried something new. Please keep the discussion about LO:FC to this thread.

      And don't triple post just because your post doesn't appear right away, this forum is [B]moderated[/B]!

      Anyway, you still don't get it to work even though you unplugged your optical IDE drives? Then your image is probably not good enough. How did you create it (Software/-settings, CD/DVD-drive, image format)? What is the game protected with (scan with Aray Scanner)?
      "I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? Sorry, I do that a lot."


      • #4
        I downloaded this image from internet. And sb has cracked it. I followed the steps they followed, but didn't success.

