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stupid insults #2

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  • stupid insults #2

    You forgot to include the rediculously stupid excuse:

    64bit-version is more or less finished. We will see a release
    this week if nothing bad happens. We would be even earlier
    finished, but the shear amount of overwhelming questions
    delayed everything.
    Ever heard of the close button? I'm never buying your product until you admit you a) can't speak English worth a damn and b) don't know how to run a development team. I tried to extend a corporate experienced helping hand and you simply rejected it.

  • #2
    Originally Posted by LocutusofBorg
    final build is made as I post here. That means we will see the
    release this week. Yes, there was a delay; it was because we
    underestimated the forum-work and the many questions we
    had to answer. Without the many questions, we could maybe
    release it today - we have not 500 employees here
    So only few days to go. As far as I can see, no bugs so far.

    I expect the release soon, and we will see
    if we underestimated the amount of x64-users - or if some
    users can't use the search-function properly.
    What does questions have to do with software development? You're an idiot.

