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Prince of Persia T2T SFCloneDVD Problem

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  • Prince of Persia T2T SFCloneDVD Problem

    the Nfo says "Remove all IDE drives and Play"

    as i understand its Starforce Nightmare..

    i installed the game and download Sfn latest version

    my computer is built like that:

    Primary IDE Master Location 0 : NEC 3540A

    Bus Number 0, Target ID 0, LUN 0 : Hard Disk (S-ATA II)

    now i tried on Sfn the following choices:
    Disable ch1 - computer Stuck /Restart
    Disable ATA - computer stuck /Restart
    Disable CD - Game not works
    Disable Pr.Master - Game Not Works

    tried to enter Device manager and disable CD/SCSI(DT) manualy
    game not works... also

    any help will be appricated?
    (a friend is suggest me to move DVD-ROM to Secodery Master cause maybe the Sfn catchs the Primary with the Serial-ATA also..?)

    Admin/MOD - Not sure if it the right location if not Delete-away