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StarForce Information

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  • StarForce Information

    I`m not a big cracker but i have detected an files of starforce
    protection in the system folder of the windows usualy
    c:/windows/system32/drivers so... i donґt know if any cracker know how to block the drivers run or any registry blocker to disable adding information,this anticopy is based on ide extended information, so the aplication verify if you have any optical drives connected to ide channels, so an aplication to desactivate the power suply for any time for the drive, to no have to open the pc when you want to play, the files are called sf***.sys , if you delet this files, will be created new files when you execute the game.i have detected too an registry added information of starforce, is an legacy driver,who start when load the windows, if any person want to have more information how work starforce please send me an email at, an binary data are packed in the executable tu run when you execute the .exe files, it`s called sforce3, i think in the solution to crack this but i donґt have acces to delet this binary information.if you want to play the game you have to disconnect the alimentation of the cd-rom`s. for the moment i need an aplication to desactive de power of the optical drives, if any person know one of that programs please teel me.