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Web-site Reaaaaaaaally Slow

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  • LocutusofBorg
    the website should now work again inside of normal parameters

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  • NetSoerfer
    Please let's get back to topic... This would be OT even in the Off Topic forum considering it's not what the thread was about...

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  • Nikos
    Originally Posted by Oldtimer
    On the other hand when trying to open the IE Window it's takes an ages (2min) with my DSL 100MBps/sec
    100Mbps with DSL??? Am I missing something here?

    By the way, it's either "Mbps" or "Mb/sec", not "MBps/sec" since the latter translates to "megabits per second per second".

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  • carlos12345
    i lot better now just the rush of everybody thinking v4 was gonna be out and going stright to the downloads page insead of looking at the new site lay out..i for one think you have all done a job well done..

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  • Raa
    Ahh, 3 x the visitors eh

    I bet everyone thought that DT4 was going to come out, that's why the rush!

    Thats all good, if its more users thats making it slow, I follow that.

    If I had a spare pc or parts i'd donate them, you know....

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  • LocutusofBorg
    What concerns the speed of the site:

    The user-hits increased 3 times - now, as I write this, there
    are 1700 people browsing the forums/downloads/gamedb

    We will work on the systems to improve the speed and fix
    all bugs. Just as already mentioned, please give us some time,
    it's weekend and we really need to rest a little bit

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  • Oldtimer

    Definitely.. this New Board looks and feels pretty nice!

    On the other hand when trying to open the IE Window it's takes an ages (2min) with my DSL 100MBps/sec and seems this cause over the time is use for openning all the ICONS listed on this page.. and in the left botton corner you will see in Yelow Triangle => Error Page! <=
    more at this posting.. the Smiles from my site are not accepted and only manual entry do the job.. as well there is lack of Colors Option to choose as well as the Fonts and they Size.. so I use own follows the script default.

    Anyway this Board gets better and better and now well organize than was before.

    Thanks you All.. the Admin, Web Master and all envolve for the hard and well done job!

    Just my 2 cents..

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  • colok

    Yes, it's very, very, very slow !!!!

    It takes ages to load!! +2

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  • carlos12345
    i thought it was just me im glad someone posted that they had the same problem too (im sure the team are working on it)...

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  • Raa
    started a topic Web-site Reaaaaaaaally Slow

    Web-site Reaaaaaaaally Slow

    Well, the title sez it all

    I -LOVE- the layout :yes: but ...... geez.... it takes ages to load!!

    I'm err...... assuming you guys know that and are working on it though?

    Just thought i'd point it out anyway

    Keep it up :yes:

    DT4 ready yet? j/k lol