when i tray to install daemon403-x86 in my win xp pop up whit this error:
This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD)layer on your computer. WARNING - SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE, WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine.
and when i press ok i popup whit this messeg:
system file write error.
and then it shuts down the program.
when i tray to install daemon403-x86 in my win xp pop up whit this error:
This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD)layer on your computer. WARNING - SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE, WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine.
and when i press ok i popup whit this messeg:
system file write error.
and then it shuts down the program.
