D-tools: V4.10
Problems after adding second HD.
Solution: Set drive letter of emulated D-tools drive higher than installed disks.
The whole story:
Many user are suffering from having a freeze during windows boot. In my situation the black winXP screen is OK, then this is changed into the Blue windows back-ground and the win XP logo. At this screen it freezes.
It was a fresh install (win XP) with only one SATA disk (c
and one Sata dvd drive (d
After installing Daemon-tools V4.10, still everything fine.
(This includes SPTD v1.50)
This emulated a DVD drive and put it on e: (the next available drive)
Many reboots later, everything still fine.
Then I wanted to add a second disk, so it got the d: drive.
After powering on with the second drive, the system freezes.
Did a lot, including recovery using imaging recovery tool.
Start in safe mode learned me the sptd.sys driver had problems.
Recovered my system again.
Booted fine just after recovery, disabled the start of sptd in registry (Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\ Services\sptd" registry key in REGEDIT and set DWORD Start value to 4 (i.e. disabled).
YES: the system boots fine (even a few times)
Then reconfigured the daemon-tools emulated drive to set it to the T: drive. Enabled sptd again in registry.
Reboot went fine!!! Even with additional second disk!!!
Problems after adding second HD.
Solution: Set drive letter of emulated D-tools drive higher than installed disks.
The whole story:
Many user are suffering from having a freeze during windows boot. In my situation the black winXP screen is OK, then this is changed into the Blue windows back-ground and the win XP logo. At this screen it freezes.
It was a fresh install (win XP) with only one SATA disk (c

After installing Daemon-tools V4.10, still everything fine.
(This includes SPTD v1.50)
This emulated a DVD drive and put it on e: (the next available drive)
Many reboots later, everything still fine.
Then I wanted to add a second disk, so it got the d: drive.
After powering on with the second drive, the system freezes.
Did a lot, including recovery using imaging recovery tool.
Start in safe mode learned me the sptd.sys driver had problems.
Recovered my system again.
Booted fine just after recovery, disabled the start of sptd in registry (Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\ Services\sptd" registry key in REGEDIT and set DWORD Start value to 4 (i.e. disabled).
YES: the system boots fine (even a few times)
Then reconfigured the daemon-tools emulated drive to set it to the T: drive. Enabled sptd again in registry.
Reboot went fine!!! Even with additional second disk!!!