Hi all, sorry if this is wrong thread but I didnt know where to post it. If you have problem with daeamon tools not having any driver letter and dont show in My Computer. If you right click your dvd/cd drive in the Device manager(start --> Rightclick My Computer --> Device Manager) and go to properties, if you have a code 31, 32, 39, 19 or 41 you can do this to fix it. This fixed my problem with daemon tools aswell.
Step 1: Start Registry Editor
Click Start
Click Run
Type regedit and then click OK
Step 2: Delete the UpperFilters registry entry
In Registry Editor, expand My Computer by clicking the + symbol next to the name
Expand CurrentControlSet.
Expand Control
Expand Class
Under Class, click {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - click on the name and NOT the +
In the right pane (topic area), click UpperFilters
Note A UpperFilters.bak registry entry may also appear. To delete the UpperFilters registry entry, you must click UpperFilters and not UpperFilters.bak.
On the Edit menu, click Delete
Note Do not exit Registry Editor. You must have this program for the next step.
Step 3: Delete the LowerFilters registry entry
In Registry Editor, stay in the same location as you were for the UpperFilters entry. In the right pane (topic area), click LowerFilters.
Note A LowerFilters.bak registry entry may also appear. To delete the LowerFilters registry entry, you must click LowerFilters and not LowerFilters.bak.
On the Edit menu, click Delete.
Exit Registry Editor.
Step 4: Restart the computer
If a CD recording program no longer works after you restart the computer, you must reinstall the CD recording program
Step 1: Start Registry Editor
Click Start
Click Run
Type regedit and then click OK
Step 2: Delete the UpperFilters registry entry
In Registry Editor, expand My Computer by clicking the + symbol next to the name
Expand CurrentControlSet.
Expand Control
Expand Class
Under Class, click {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - click on the name and NOT the +
In the right pane (topic area), click UpperFilters
Note A UpperFilters.bak registry entry may also appear. To delete the UpperFilters registry entry, you must click UpperFilters and not UpperFilters.bak.
On the Edit menu, click Delete
Note Do not exit Registry Editor. You must have this program for the next step.
Step 3: Delete the LowerFilters registry entry
In Registry Editor, stay in the same location as you were for the UpperFilters entry. In the right pane (topic area), click LowerFilters.
Note A LowerFilters.bak registry entry may also appear. To delete the LowerFilters registry entry, you must click LowerFilters and not LowerFilters.bak.
On the Edit menu, click Delete.
Exit Registry Editor.
Step 4: Restart the computer
If a CD recording program no longer works after you restart the computer, you must reinstall the CD recording program
