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Unable to install daemon-tools

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  • #16
    i installed the prog on my old comp without a problem, so i guess the problem is with this machine. and come on, you guys are suppose to be experts, don't tell i have to fix this on my own i have to clue what to do.

    btw the other comp is XP pro without any service pack updates, and without that frontpage sfc thing.

    i also tried to do the solutiong from microsoft to that sfc /scannow problem. MMC---certificate---etc. they said to export it one from a working machine, which i did from the old comp, but i also created 1 on this machines, checked them with sfv and they are exactly identical, so that didn't fix anything.

    and this is kind of going further and further from the original problem. what should i do?


    • #17

      i have uninstalled SP2, and now when i do add hardware, all the can't load installer errors seem to be gone. i'm not gonna try installing daemon tools, cause i want to keep SP2. anyway, i'm about to re-install SP2, hope everything keeps working.


      • #18
        ok, after re-installing SP2 the program seemed to have installed successfully. i don't even wanna try if it works right now.

        anyway, i do have some questions about the whole thing, maybe you can unser some of these.

        1) before i did uninstall, i had 1.4 gb of free space, after i re-installed SP2 i'm left with -900mb! - because i had to delete another 1.5gb cause i would have ran out of space. so i lost close to 2GB! by just uninstalling and installing back SP2, that doesn't make sense to me, anyone have an explanation?

        2) i would also like to know what cause all this. the only thing i can think of is because i edited the sfcfiles.dll. i did this to be able to delete frontpage, msn, netmeeting, xerox useless folders in prog files. i'd like to do it again to be honest, do you think that was the cause of the problem, cause i don't see why.

        3) since i'm asking question, might as well ask about everything. right about the time i 1st tried to install daemon tools, i also went looking for new drivers, etc. on some websites, random words began appearing as links to some advertising. i've had this before but i don't remember what it was, is it spyware or is it just on certain websites, in this case haven't had spyware for about 2 months.

        4) and last thing i'm curious about. do you get any SP2 updates? cause i've had it since october, didn't have any problems with it at all till this, but there was no updates for it from microsoft at all. before SP2 they had some hotfix practically everyday. so is SP2 that good that no updates have been made, or is there some problem with my comp?

        anyway, i know alot of these don't relate to Daemon tools, but i hope you answer them anyway, thanks.

        5) ohh and should the daemon tool icon be Red? or does that mean its not working, like i said, i'm too scared to try it.


        • #19
          1. This is probably caused by XP's restore function, so you can roll back those changes,
          2. difficult to say, but messing around with system files can cause problems,
          3. some sites use this as feature, but it's always a good idea to run a spyware/adware/virus check,
          4. there updates for IE6 and some other critical updates, but probably most of those security holes were already fixed by SP2,
          5. the task bar icon is red with disabled emulations, if you enable the emulation(s) it'll turn green, so red is normal operation ,
          6. now it's a good time to read the manual :mrgreen: (right click on the icon -> Help -> Manual) :wink:
          Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
          They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


          • #20
            ok thanks for the help. don't know if i'm gonna mess with the sfcfiles.dll...i probably will cause those empty folders are annoying. but i'll keep a backup.

