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Daemon tools bus driver incorrectly issues the read request

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  • Daemon tools bus driver incorrectly issues the read request

    Operating System: Any 32-bit NT-based
    Burning Software: Nero Burning ROM
    Anti-virus Software: None
    DAEMON Tools Version: 3.47

    I would like to repot a bug in the Daemon Tools Bus Driver (d347bus.sys).
    When the driver issues a read request (IRP_MJ_READ) to the mounted image file(s), it incorrectly calls the file system driver directly. This causes serious problems to a third-party software, which produces a layered fle system (like online encryption filters).

    Please, if anyone from Daemon Tools driver team reads this, contact me at ICQ 153292074 or mail [email protected] for more information about the bug and also detailed analysis why the bug is happening and also what to change to make this bug go away.

    Thank you for replies

  • #2
    driver dev.

    This has been pointed out on various driver dev. mailing lists for a while, its nothing new. Its intentional so that nothing can be installed in between DAEMON Tools and act maliciously.
    the modern world:
    net helpmsg 4006


    • #3
      like Ohio already mentioned, it's nothing new, we know about it. indeed, it
      IS intentional. Next version contains a special workaround for those people


      • #4
        link to comment on alcohol forum

        If I might make this thread longer by linking to a comment VeNoM386 made a while ago. This comment is concerning the current version of D-Tools.

        But of course I know no inside information for that, LocutusofBorg is the guy.
        the modern world:
        net helpmsg 4006

