Oki, my "Problem" so far:
I have made a new XP-Installation. I have a DvD-Player and a DvD-Recorder.
After SP2 and many Xp-Bugfixes i installd DT-4.0 and..
It works GREAT!
No Problem playing UFO Aftershock and i dont needet to Unplug my DvD's!
But then i have seen that the Drive-Letter from the 4 D-Tools Drvies where not so fine and i desidet to change this using the PC-Administration (Right-Klick on "Arbeitsplatz" => "Verwaltung" .. i have only a German System so i dont know whats this in English ^^)
Oki.. now the Problem: after i have done this, Aftershock wont run. It always says: "Insert CD in another Drive"
K, now i have testet sowaht arround. Deinstalld D-Tools, Deinstalled my DvD's plugged off one and/or bothe DvD's ect.
The only posibility to run Ufo again i have to Plug off my DvD's.
But after i plugged a NEW DvD wich was never Plugged on my PC before.. i can use the DvD-Drive AND play Ufo using D-Tools 4.
So i think, if u set a new Drivename for a Drive u cant Play SF-Protectet Games anymore (i have testet it with Cossacks2 to.. same Problems and same "solutions"
) exept u plug off ur Drives OR plug on Brand-New one; but u cant keep ur old one plugged on ^^ (or u Format ur System :P )
The main Problem is, that Windows seams not to uninstall ALL Settings from ur DvD. If u deinstall and restart ur PC, the "new" (old) DvD/CD-Drive will got his "new" (old) Driveletter again
Any other Solutions? I dont want to Format again :/
I have made a new XP-Installation. I have a DvD-Player and a DvD-Recorder.
After SP2 and many Xp-Bugfixes i installd DT-4.0 and..
It works GREAT!
No Problem playing UFO Aftershock and i dont needet to Unplug my DvD's!
But then i have seen that the Drive-Letter from the 4 D-Tools Drvies where not so fine and i desidet to change this using the PC-Administration (Right-Klick on "Arbeitsplatz" => "Verwaltung" .. i have only a German System so i dont know whats this in English ^^)
Oki.. now the Problem: after i have done this, Aftershock wont run. It always says: "Insert CD in another Drive"
K, now i have testet sowaht arround. Deinstalld D-Tools, Deinstalled my DvD's plugged off one and/or bothe DvD's ect.
The only posibility to run Ufo again i have to Plug off my DvD's.
But after i plugged a NEW DvD wich was never Plugged on my PC before.. i can use the DvD-Drive AND play Ufo using D-Tools 4.
So i think, if u set a new Drivename for a Drive u cant Play SF-Protectet Games anymore (i have testet it with Cossacks2 to.. same Problems and same "solutions"

The main Problem is, that Windows seams not to uninstall ALL Settings from ur DvD. If u deinstall and restart ur PC, the "new" (old) DvD/CD-Drive will got his "new" (old) Driveletter again

Any other Solutions? I dont want to Format again :/