Well i had install d-tools v3.46 or something like that well i decide uptade it to v4 well he ask me for a new controller sci and y remember he never did last time well i decide to accept when windows warning me so like i am crazy for game i accepr well
after a loot of reebot d-tool dosent work he dont create non virtual device so i decide to errace SCI controller (that i update) well mi cD Writer break off plz i need some help to fix mi cd readder
and i wanna a solucion because happend the same with alcohole i need some help to fix my problems of SCSi controller i think has to be with usb port what i do!!!!
after a loot of reebot d-tool dosent work he dont create non virtual device so i decide to errace SCI controller (that i update) well mi cD Writer break off plz i need some help to fix mi cd readder
